
excuse oneself是什么意思 excuse oneself在线翻译 excuse oneself什么意思 excuse oneself的意思 excuse oneself的翻译 excuse oneself的解释

excuse oneself [iksˈkju:z wʌnˈself]  [ɪkˈskjuz wʌnˈsɛlf] 

excuse oneself 基本解释

动词为自己辩解; 谢

excuse oneself的翻译

excuse oneself 相关例句


1. She excused herself for coming late.

2. excuse oneself是什么意思

2. He excused himself from the party.

excuse oneself 网络解释

1. excuse oneself的意思

1. 为自己辩解:excuse oneself from 婉拒 | excuse oneself 为自己辩解 | excuse 原谅

2. 替自己辩解;(为某事)表示歉意(for借故不到; 请准提前离开:without excuse 无故, 故意 | excuse oneself 替自己辩解 (为某事)表示歉意(for) 借故不到; 请准提前离开 | excuse oneself from 借故推托, 婉言拒绝

3. 为自己找借口:use the toilet去洗手间 | excuse oneself 为自己找借口 | allow允许

4. 为自己开脱:engage oneself in... 忙于...... | excuse oneself为自己开脱 | find oneself... 发现自己不知不觉......

excuse oneself 双语例句

1. Apologize, excuse oneself apologize to someone 意为向某人道歉: He apologized for interrupting her and quickly left.
    因为打扰了她,他表示道歉并且很快离开了。excuse 24 yourself 意为罗列理由为自己辩解。

2. excuse oneself

2. His excuse oneself from, represented his own point of view not only, be afraid the point of view that also represented most public.

3. excuse oneself

3. Because, so far, this matter character 8 has not cast aside: It is the accredit that did not acquire relevant branch, 2 it is him Ma Yun also expresses excuse oneself from.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Take the lead in the Fan Wei of excuse feels from this oneself very grievance, a bit helpless still.

5. After this, wang Mou receives two girls and its work in the same placing again for many times phone, wang Mou all excuse oneself from.

6. excuse oneself

6. Accordingly, the group of national art courtyard such as Oriental chorus wants her to enter capital obtain employment of purpose, but all by her excuse oneself from.

7. You are in abuse other when, ask oneself mitzvah excuse me.

8. excuse oneself

8. Excuse me, I know oneself seem to bother you, but I also the intimacy of be compelled helpless!

9. Excuse Oneself 1.Sorry I have to cut you short.
    告退 1。抱歉,我必须中断你的话。

10. excuse oneself是什么意思

10. If do not succeed, even if cannot say I am a malefactor, but oneself also cannot excuse oneself.

11. Excuse oneself easily, that is not tolerant, but a coward.

12. excuse oneself是什么意思

12. If perhaps all conclusions in the destiny, also can give the excuse which oneself feels relaxed.

13. I did not know how a matter, these day of I do love the blog, since did not know that I do not force one to go surely to find a pompous excuse, but already comes to settle it, might find one to give vent to oneself emotion place to be also good.

14. Zhang Yan peak says, wang Fei is forced to resign from former unit, apply for a job to meet with repeatedly afresh excuse oneself from, without which company dare take sb in him.

15. excuse oneself的翻译

15. It is an example below, use as what draw lessons from only, if have the place with excellent barren, still ask stationmaster people great excuse: Last year, I did a film website, it is an extremely common website, here was not carried, this piece can not be flexible language., I used 2 words to become key word of Title of this station home page, xx free movies | Online and free movies catchs me to begin conduct propaganda, the catenary outside doing, this is simple, everybody is met, I with oneself other the catenary outside the high quality that the station with a few tall Pr offers, my website did not have a few days to be collected by each big search engine, this is the thing in my expect.

16. excuse oneself是什么意思

16. Excuse oneself for one's misbehavior He's on the defensive about his mistakes.

17. Excuse oneself for one's misbehavior Men lose their temper in defending their tastes.

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself.

19. And Li Yinan always is leisurely, with excuse oneself from of a word: Talk about Aladdin only today, talk about future only, do not talk about the past.

20. excuse oneself的反义词

20. This speech is not only the comfort and the excuse which one kinddeceives oneself and others.

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