
extortionate是什么意思 extortionate在线翻译 extortionate什么意思 extortionate的意思 extortionate的翻译 extortionate的解释 extortionate的发音

extortionate [ɪkˈstɔ:ʃənət]  [ɪkˈstɔ:rʃənət] 

extortionate 基本解释



extortionate 网络解释

1. 敲诈的:extortionary 勒索的 | extortionate 敲诈的 | extortioner 敲诈者

2. extortionate什么意思

2. 敲诈性:以伪职或专营权进行勒索-----extortion by colour of office or franchise | 敲诈性-----extortionate | 摘录-----extract

3. 敲诈的/勒索的/过高的/昂贵的:extortionary /勒索的/硬要的/敲诈性的/ | extortionate /敲诈的/勒索的/过高的/昂贵的/ | extortioner /勒索者/敲诈者/

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 勒索的; 过多的; 强求的 (形):extortion 勒索; 强取; 敲诈 (名) | extortionate 勒索的; 过多的; 强求的 (形) | extortioner 勒索者; 敲诈者 (名)

extortionate 双语例句

1. Engineering experience and research results indicate that this damage is due to the extortionate air voids of bitumen mixtures.

2. extortionate的近义词

2. Cybersquatters will generally either offer to sell the name back to the trademark owner for an extortionate price, or make money from internet traffic accidentally landing on their page.

3. extortionate什么意思

3. No longer could the peasants live under the system of extortionate land rents.

4. extortionate的解释

4. The price exacted By the hijackers for redeeming the hostages was extortionate.

5. extortionate的意思

5. Although PM has solved the problem of carbide segregation and crassitude fundamentally, it has complicated technics and extortionate cost, so restricts its application.

6. extortionate

6. Extortionate risk of compensation will increase the cost of total social insurance (including commercial insurance).

7. If it weren't for those eleven saving clauses under the head of " Deductions " I should be beggar every year to support this extortionate and tyrannical government.

8. Exorbitant rent; extortionate prices; spends an outrageous amount on entertainment; usorious interest rate; unconscionable spending.

9. extortionate的意思

9. The ear by surgery can not show the fine structure of one normal ear, and surgery is dangerous and extortionate and its period is long.

10. Inside stock exchange refers to the behavior that insiders make use of their mastered inside stock information or provide the information for others to exchange and make extortionate profit.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. I think he makes extortionate demands of you.

12. Fee structures and rates across the sector are often inexplicable and extortionate.

13. A worker making extortionate demands upon the employer.

14. extortionate是什么意思

14. In view of the extortionate outlay this involves, Luke has stopped buying his newspaper and (an even greater sacrifice) The Reader's Digest, his two favourite publications.

15. Those are extortionate interest rates to be charging.

16. His daughter, entering the stock market in 1995 and aiming to retire in 2025, would have spent the past 13 years buying shares at prices that now seem to range from high to extortionate.

17. This section additionally includes extortionate demands through the use of the United States Postal Service, behavior proscribed by18 U. S. C. §§ 876-877.

18. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

18. When Sirena opened, there was a spot of bother with some extortionate bandits; now, says Mr Novikov, Russia is " becoming more law-abiding " (even if the bureaucratic hurdles have increased).

19. Extortionate call charges put customers off.

20. In China's underground lending market, the most sensitive indicator of credit conditions, kerbside rates have reached extortionate levels of as much as6% a month (see our report from Wenzhou).

extortionate 词典解释

1. (价格等)过高的,离谱的
    If you describe something such as a price as extortionate, you are emphasizing that it is much greater than it should be.

extortionate 单语例句

1. Fears that a fall in supply would lead to extortionate hikes of about 40 percent in chicken prices proved unfounded.

2. The rebates could give these developers a chance to sell their houses and maintain extortionate profits.

3. Entry is free here, but extortionate drinks prices ensure the management makes its money back.

4. Smokers in Britain will more likely be put off by the extortionate cost of their habit.

extortionate 英英释义



1. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

    e.g. exorbitant rent
           extortionate prices
           spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
           usurious interest rate
           unconscionable spending

    Synonym: exorbitantoutrageoussteepunconscionableusurious

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