
extraction是什么意思 extraction在线翻译 extraction什么意思 extraction的意思 extraction的翻译 extraction的解释 extraction的发音 extraction的同义词

extraction [ɪkˈstrækʃn]  [ɪkˈstrækʃən] 


extraction 基本解释

名词取出,抽出; 血统,家世,出身; [化]提取(法),萃取(法),回收物,提出物,精炼; [数]开方,求根

extraction 相关例句


1. He comes from a family of Irish extraction.

2. extraction的翻译

2. Her teeth are so bad that she needs five extractions.

3. extraction的反义词

3. She is of Italian extraction.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Her teeth are so bad that she needs three extractions.

extraction 网络解释

1. 提取:Ø 数据整合与数据仓储建立过程中需要额外的暂存性数据区(Staging)与数据库汇总作业Ø 独立的服务程序(Windows service)提取(Extraction)就是从源系统中获取数据(无论是何种格式).

2. 抽出:利用它,您能轻松实现数据整合,包括数据抽出(Extraction)、转变(Transformation)和载入(Loading),并确保数据的准确性和完整性. 针对海量数据,它采用了多种高端创新技术,大大提升了企业整合数据的效率. 语义层技术通过信息域(Infosphere)来构建自身的数据仓库,

3. 萃取:内聚能显着降低,溶解能力减小,使已溶解的物质形成结晶或无定型沉淀的过程.应用如下目前国际上超临界流体萃取与造粒技术的研究和应用正方兴未艾,技术发展应用范围包括了:萃取(extraction),分离(separation),

4. 退壳:将退壳(extraction)后的弹壳抛离枪枝的动作,通常藉由抛壳顶杆(ejector)来作用. 新一代瞄准具的一种,以电子成像将瞄准圆点或瞄准线(reticle)投射在瞄准具镜面上,当射手从瞄准具看出时,瞄准圆点(通常是个红点)似乎就落在目标的瞄准点之上.

5. extraction:extr; 抽汽

extraction 词典解释

1. 血统;家世
    If you say, for example, that someone is of French extraction, you mean that they or their family originally came from France.


    e.g. Her real father was of Italian extraction...
    e.g. He married a young lady of Indian extraction.

extraction 单语例句

1. China currently levies taxes on coal, gas and crude oil extraction by volume.

2. Its business will include coal extraction and power generation, as well as supplying heating.

3. Water extraction projects and ongoing major construction are also contributing as they cause surface subsidence, which effectively means the city is sinking.

4. But a local resident who lives near a workshop for crude oil extraction said the oil is too disgusting to be used as cooking oil.

5. The cost of extraction and the price will thus tend to increase sharply.

6. Xu invented a process known as " countercurrent extraction " that reduced the time taken to process the material from years down to weeks.

7. It has an advantageous location that enables it to support the growing momentum of the country's agricultural sector and mineral extraction industry.

8. Utilization of sea water focuses on sea water desalination and the extraction of chemical resources from the sea water.

9. The world's verified oil reserves will not dry up in 40 years, measured by the current extraction pace.

10. The NDRC also warned of obvious production overcapacity in sectors like electrolytic aluminum, ship manufacturing and soybean oil extraction.

extraction 英英释义



1. the action of taking out something (especially using effort or force)

    e.g. the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction

2. properties attributable to your ancestry

    e.g. he comes from good origins

    Synonym: origindescent

3. the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means

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