
facial expression是什么意思 facial expression在线翻译 facial expression什么意思 facial expression的意思 facial expression的翻译 facial expression的解释

facial expression [ˈfeɪʃəl iksˈpreʃən]  [ˈfeʃəl ɪkˈsprɛʃən] 

facial expression 基本解释

面部表情; 颜色; 容

facial expression 网络解释

1. 面部表情:背景知识主要指的是自然背景(physical setting)、手势(gesture)、面部表情(facial expression)、行动(action)和交互反应(interaction). 为了理解故事、会话或者是段落,这些背景知识总是能够帮助寻找主题、语气或背景,并且能够帮助你猜测其他的重要信息.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 脸部表情:语言的美学艺术包括戏剧,电影(Film),电视,音乐,诗歌,美术,文艺,广播,舞蹈,广告,乃至电脑游戏和竞技体育节目等等,甚至肢体语言(body language)和脸部表情(facial expression)等辅助语言(paralinguistic)②也属于美学语言艺术及艺术语言的范畴.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 表情:计测数据类型所涉及的对象包括脑波(brain wave)、视线追迹(Eye-tracking)、肌电图(Electromyography)、表情(facial expression)、行为(behavior)等诸多人的生理表征,当然也包括问卷调查等形式.

facial expression 单语例句

1. In next to no time, clay sculptor Ren Jian creates lifelike figures of human subjects with strikingly real facial expression.

2. Her facial expression and clenched fists suggest the article she's reading features a political denunciation of someone.

3. But the context and facial expression tell the difference, he noted.

4. With hair parted over the left side of his head and a serious facial expression, Zhou looks more like your typical bad guy from old Chinese movies.

5. Victoria Beckham had " facial expression " lessons before appearing on'American Idol'.

6. The serene facial expression of the mother seems to extend protection towards the shy boy and everything within her reach.

7. The monkey's facial expression was equally detailed and true to life, with the gilded eye a particular highlight.

8. The tiger in the photograph had the posture and facial expression similar to that depicted in a traditional Chinese painting.

9. After selecting a facial expression, the Madame Tussauds team matches Cooper's eye and hair color.

10. His gesture is full of momentum while his facial expression is calm and warm.

facial expression 英英释义


1. the feelings expressed on a person's face

    e.g. a sad expression
           a look of triumph
           an angry face

    Synonym: expressionlookaspectface

2. a gesture executed with the facial muscles

    Synonym: facial gesture

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