
facing是什么意思 facing在线翻译 facing什么意思 facing的意思 facing的翻译 facing的解释 facing的发音 facing的同义词 facing的反义词 facing的例句

facing [ˈfeɪsɪŋ]  [ˈfesɪŋ] 


facing 基本解释

名词饰面,覆盖(如墙壁的)表面的覆饰; (衣服的)贴边

动词面对( face的现在分词 ); 面向…; 正视; 承认

facing 网络解释

1. 饰面:该基地是在北京市政府牵头指导之下,由中国服装设计师协会联手正东集团(751工厂),强力建设的北京时尚设计产业集群中心坐标园区. Ø 卖场巡查和饰面(facing)计划Ø VP(visual presentation)设计和橱窗(show window)

2. 加工:具有完成一般挖槽(Standard)、边界再加工(Facing)、使用岛屿深度挖槽(Island Facing)、残料加工(Remachining)和开放式轮廓挖槽(Open)五种加工功能. 沿面五轴加工:通过控制残脊高度或步进量来生成精确、平滑的精加工刀具路径,

3. facing的翻译


facing 词典解释

1. (衣服的)镶边,贴边,里子
    Facing is fabric which is stitched inside the edges of a piece of clothing in order to make them look neat and strengthen them.

2. (夹克或大衣领口和袖口的)镶边,贴边
    The facings of a garment such as a jacket or coat are the parts around the neck and wrists when they are made of a different fabric from the main part, or are a different colour.

3. (墙的)贴面,饰面
    A facing on a wall is a layer of stone, concrete, or other material that is spread over its surface in order to make it look attractive.


facing 单语例句


1. The men will be sentenced on Wednesday with Butt and Asif facing up to seven years in jail or large fines.

2. Jiang stressed that the world is facing many problems, and they cannot be solved simply by force.

3. BEIJING - A leading Chinese medical expert is facing accusations of scientific misconduct and has had his research lab closed by a Canadian heart institute.

4. Chi is an optimist by nature, says that China is facing many challenges and difficulties domestically and internationally.

5. According to a survey by the economic and trade authority of Dongguan, a lack of funds is the biggest problem facing SMEs and processing companies.

6. It's quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.

7. The nuclear crisis has complicated the Japanese government's ability to address the humanitarian situation facing hundreds of thousands left homeless by the twin disasters.

8. The report added that 32 people are facing Party or administrative disciplinary action, while 10 others have been detained on charges relating to the accident.

9. Another Cabinet Office economic report released Wednesday underscored the new challenges facing Japan, which had been on the mend from a lull in growth late last year.

10. One of the immediate challenges facing the Park administration is forming the Cabinet, with opposition parties looking to foil some of the Cabinet nominations in the coming weeks.

facing 英英释义


1. providing something with a surface of a different material

    Synonym: lining

2. a protective covering that protects the outside of a building

    Synonym: cladding

3. a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening

4. an ornamental coating to a building

    Synonym: veneer

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