
fallout是什么意思 fallout在线翻译 fallout什么意思 fallout的意思 fallout的翻译 fallout的解释 fallout的发音 fallout的同义词 fallout的反义词

fallout [ˈfɔ:laʊt]  [ˈfɔlˌaʊt] 

fallout 基本解释

名词余波; 放射尘; (核爆炸后的)沉降物; 附带后果

fallout 相关例句


1. fallout什么意思

1. There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public.

fallout 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 落塵:核爆所引起之毁灭,伴随其产出之热量,以及放射性落尘(fallout)引起之植物和动物的死亡,将导致大气中粒状物质(particulate matter)的大量增加. 较低层之大气层将变为几乎是不透光的,太阳能之传输因此将被阻挡,导致平均气温之巨幅下降.

2. fallout的近义词

2. 尘:距离爆炸中心(Hypocenter)近的居民,多半因辐射、房屋倒塌、高热、空气压力的骤然增减而死亡,但远离爆炸中心的居民,则受到伽马射线及辐射尘(Fallout)的伤害.

3. fallout

3. (異塵餘生):如此的长途跋涉需要很大的耐心,作为游戏设计者应该尽量为玩家创造方便,而不是令玩家感到厌倦和反感. 在<<异尘余生>>(Fallout)这个优秀运作品中,就为玩家配备了交通工具来穿越巨大的场景,这种体贴的设计才是受欢迎的.

fallout 词典解释

1. 核辐射
    Fallout is the radiation that affects a particular place or area after a nuclear explosion has taken place.

    e.g. They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.

2. 余波;后果
    If you refer to the fallout from something that has happened, you mean the unpleasant consequences that follow it.

    e.g. Grundy lost his job in the fallout from the incident.

fallout 单语例句

1. Mr Bush's decision to call a news conference highlights his concern about the political fallout back home.

2. The political fallout provides a sharp contrast to what occurred following attacks that produced equal or greater devastation in previous years in Baghdad.

3. China's leading diary producers are still feeling the fallout from the scandal, which involved adulteration of milk with melamine.

4. The fallout between the two is surprising as the two companies had shared a warm and cordial relationship.

5. Considering the fallout of banks'rigid lending on corporate financing, investment growth will also drop off.

6. US stocks slid at the open on Monday as widening fallout from the credit crisis fueled concerns about the economy and the profit outlook.

7. But signs are growing the fallout is so serious domestic sales are getting drastically damaged as well.

8. But a Twitter posting from the sprinter this week showed his emotions were raw amid the fallout following the pain of defeat.

9. The second delay in 2008 was caused by fears of harming companies amid an economic slowdown resulting from the fallout of the global financial crisis.

10. The second delay in 2008 was caused by fears of hurting enterprises amid an economic slowdown resulting from the fallout of the financial crisis.

fallout 英英释义


1. any adverse and unwanted secondary effect

    e.g. a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal

    Synonym: side effect

2. the radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a nuclear explosion

    Synonym: radioactive dust

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