
faltered是什么意思 faltered在线翻译 faltered什么意思 faltered的意思 faltered的翻译 faltered的解释 faltered的发音 faltered的同义词



faltered 基本解释

蹒跚;颤抖( falter的过去式和过去分词 );支吾其词;摇晃;

faltered 双语例句

1. Slaked in radiation from nearby supernovae, pummeled by asteroids, it has barely faltered and never stopped.

2. faltered

2. As global IT spending has faltered, however, India`s outward-looking firms have turned inward.

3. There were many complaints about The X-Files, which in the minds of many faltered in its last two

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. There were many complaints about The X-Files, which in the minds of many faltered in its last two years and tainted the whole thing.

5. However, by 2008, when they were both aged 97, their relationship faltered and a decree absolute is believed to have been granted subsequently.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. But as soon as Mr Perry started chipping away at her lead, Mrs Hutchison faltered.

7. He must have been nervous, but he never faltered.

8. I faltered for a while and was still unable to make a decision.

9. faltered是什么意思

9. I faltered for a while and was still unable to make

10. He faltered when it came to speaking English.

11. faltered

11. As she began to tell the story her voice faltered.

12. Plans to promote the National League champions of 2006 and 2007 faltered because the sides eligible for promotion, Goyang Kookmin Bank in 2006 and Ulsan Mipo Dockyard in 2007, opted against stepping up to the top division.

13. faltered的近义词

13. But after giving up a run in the sixth, Chien-Ming Wang really faltered in the seventh and then the bullpen that has been so effective recently for the Yankees imploded, giving away the lead in part because of walks.

14. Jay faltered, stunned by the brutal blow, opened up wide above his left eye and bleeding.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. Their relationship faltered in 2008 and a divorce decree is believed to have been granted after that.

16. faltered

16. Some Brahmins, clad in all the sumptuousness of oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed

17. Some Brahmins, clad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed.

18. The domestic economy may have faltered since that date but the push to internationalise will continue and may even accelerate as Chinese firms use their accumulated foreign exchange earnings to make acquisitions, at bargain prices, in devalued world markets.

19. faltered什么意思

19. The top-down, everyone-in, all-or-nothing approach to climate change may have faltered, but things are still happening on the ground.

20. I have not faltered in my quest for a new future

faltered 单语例句

1. Despite the various false starts, observers and media said the ROK has never faltered in its aerospace ambition.

2. But the auto executives argued that their turnaround strategies were taking hold just as the economy faltered and available credit dried up for consumers.

3. Roy Disney and Eisner have been at odds in recent years over the company's management as its strong financial position has faltered.

4. Europe and Japan also sank as US demand faltered, marking the first simultaneous recessions since World War II ended.

5. The style magazine format has faltered but Blag could help it to get its groove back.

6. But their fortunes faltered when the Icelandic economy imploded last year under the impact of the credit crunch.

7. Growth faltered again, and the International Monetary Fund actually reduced its lending.

8. And as a result of her own mental anguish, her progress faltered over the following six months.

9. Peace talks have faltered between Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army, which has been waging one of Africa's longest and most brutal rebellions.

10. It was reversed after the 1979 Islamic revolution only to be brought back 10 years later when the population ballooned and the economy faltered.

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