
fashion是什么意思 fashion在线翻译 fashion什么意思 fashion的意思 fashion的翻译 fashion的解释 fashion的发音 fashion的同义词 fashion的反义词

fashion [ˈfæʃn]  [ˈfæʃən] 


fashion 基本解释


名词时尚,时装; 时装领域,时尚界; 方式,方法

及物动词制作,塑造; 使适应

fashion 相关词组

1. after a fashion : 勉强;

2. follow the fashion : 赶时髦;

3. come into fashion : 开始风行;

4. go out of fashion : 不再风行;

5. be all the fashion : 极时髦;

6. in this fashion : 这样;

fashion 相关例句


1. He fashioned the clay into a jar.

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2. She fashioned the clay into a pot.


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1. I don't like the fashion of that coat.

2. He greeted us warmly in his usual friendly fashion.

3. He behaves in a very strange fashion.

fashion 情景对话



A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.


B:You’re going to a fashion show?

A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!


B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!


A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.

B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.

A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit?


B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?


A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?

B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.

A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?

B:That would look better, but what about the tie?


A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.


B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?
      那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?

A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?

B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!

fashion 词典解释

1. 时装领域;时尚界
    Fashion is the area of activity that involves styles of clothing and appearance.

    e.g. There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men...
           书中有 20 张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。
    e.g. The fashion world does not mind what the real world thinks.

2. 时装;时尚
    A fashion is a style of clothing or a way of behaving that is popular at a particular time.

    e.g. In the early seventies I wore false eyelashes, as was the fashion...
           70 年代初我戴假睫毛,这在当时是时尚。
    e.g. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England...

3. 以…方式;以…方法
    If you do something in a particular fashion or after a particular fashion, you do it in that way.


    e.g. There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion...
           另外还有一种叫 DHE 的药物,药效也差不多。
    e.g. It is happening in this fashion because of the obstinacy of one woman.

4. 制作;制成
    If you fashion an object or a work of art, you make it.

    e.g. Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep's teeth.

5. see also: old-fashioned

6. 差强人意;马马虎虎
    If you say that something was done after a fashion, you mean that it was done, but not very well.

    e.g. She was educated — after a fashion — at home...
    e.g. He knew the way, after a fashion.

7. 时兴/过时
    If something is in fashion, it is popular and approved of at a particular time. If it is out of fashion, it is not popular or approved of.


    e.g. That sort of house is back in fashion...
    e.g. Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.

fashion 单语例句

1. At CHIC, participants are making sales and also acquiring information on the fashion market and business management.

2. To achieve prosperity, enterprises should fashion new business models and seek new methods of development.

3. Zhao Feifei delves into the world of fashion buying and comes up with two very different buyers.

4. Adding to the buzz surrounding Wie are her forays in testing her skills against men and her youthful approach to golf fashion.

5. Drew Barrymore also stunned onlookers by sporting tufts of hair under her arms at a New York fashion show in 2005.

6. Like any other fashion girl, Zhang used to go shopping all over the world by plane or by car.

7. By chance, he performed in a fashion show representing a suits brand.

8. Actress Charlize Theron has revealed that her modelling career was hampered by the fashion industry telling her to lose weight.

9. The huge potential of the Chinese market has also attracted international fashion masters to take a slice of the action.

10. They were supported in their call for action by four men's fashion magazines.

fashion 英英释义


1. characteristic or habitual practice

2. consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode

3. how something is done or how it happens

    e.g. her dignified manner
           his rapid manner of talking
           their nomadic mode of existence
           in the characteristic New York style
           a lonely way of life
           in an abrasive fashion

    Synonym: mannermodestyleway

4. the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior


1. make out of components (often in an improvising manner)

    e.g. She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks

    Synonym: forge

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