
fault是什么意思 fault在线翻译 fault什么意思 fault的意思 fault的翻译 fault的解释 fault的发音 fault的同义词 fault的反义词 fault的例句

fault [fɔ:lt]  [fɔlt] 


fault 基本解释

名词缺点,缺陷; 过错,责任; [电]故障; (猎狗的)失去嗅迹

及物动词挑剔,找…的缺点; 批评; 做错,在…中出错; [地质学]产生断层

不及物动词找错误,挑剔; [地质学]变动从而产生断层

fault 同义词

fault 反义词


fault 相关词组

1. at fault : 感到困惑, 有故障;

2. to a fault : 过分地;

3. in fault : 有过错;

fault 相关例句


1. He faulted my speech in two ways.


1. The teacher found many faults in spelling and grammar in my composition.

2. The fault is mine.

3. The fault is entirely mine.

fault 情景对话


A:I'd like to check in, please.

B:Awfully sorry, sir. There are no rooms available now.

A:But I have reserved a room the day before yesterday.

B:Sorry. May I have your name?


A:Tom Wang.

B:Please wait a minute. Let me check. Excuse me, but I can't seem to find your name on our list. Are you sure you have a reservation for tonight?


A:Of course, I did it myself.


B:I'm terribly sorry. There must have been some mistakes. Let me check it again. Oh, yes. There is a name listed as Tom Huang. It must be the fault of the clerk who registered your name. I apologize.

A:Don't worry about that.

B:According to the records, your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for two nights. The room rate will be $110 per night, including 10% tax and 4% service charge. Is it right?


A:Yes, that's right. I'd like to pay my bill by credit card.

B:May I take a print of your card?


A:Here you are.

B:OK. Now could you fill out this registration card?

A:All right.

B:Your room number is 707. Here is your key. The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.Have a nice evening.

fault 网络解释

1. 断层:第三种是板块边缘相互碰撞滑开,加利福尼亚的San Andreas 断层(fault)显示向北滑动的太平洋板块和向南滑动的北美板块. 可见,目前的大陆都是由一块被称为泛大陆(Pangea)的超级古陆分离形成的,大约在2亿年前分成两半,一半是Laurasia,

2. 失误:醉失误与防范的认识与现状三、 麻醉失误的种类与原因四、 麻醉失误的防范措施五、 与麻醉失误与防范相关的医疗法规六、 由麻醉失误与防范到全面的医疗安全 一、 有关麻醉失误的一些概念和定义 失误(Fault)英文解释为由于判断错误,

3. 错误:右图体现了错误(Fault)在整个WCF异常处理过程中的流转. 在DispatchRuntime的初始化过程中,WCF会根据服务的描述创建一系列的DispatchOperation对象. DispatchOperation对象可以看成是某个服务操作在运行时的表示,

fault 词典解释

1. 责任;过失;过错
    If a bad or undesirable situation is your fault, you caused it or are responsible for it.

    e.g. There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault...
    e.g. A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.

2. 错误;失误
    A fault is a mistake in what someone is doing or in what they have done.

    e.g. It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.

3. 缺点;毛病
    A fault in someone or something is a weakness in them or something that is not perfect.

    e.g. His manners had always made her blind to his faults.
    e.g. ...a short delay due to a minor technical fault...

4. (无可)挑剔,找茬儿,指责
    If you cannot fault someone, you cannot find any reason for criticizing them or the things that they are doing.


    e.g. You can't fault them for lack of invention...
    e.g. It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.

5. (地壳的)断层
    A fault is a large crack in the surface of the earth.

    e.g. ...the San Andreas Fault.

6. (网球的)发球失误
    A fault in tennis is a service that is wrong according to the rules.

7. 有过错;有责任
    If someone or something is at fault, they are to blame or are responsible for a particular situation that has gone wrong.

    e.g. He could never accept that he had been at fault...
    e.g. There are no indications that standard security arrangements were at fault.

8. 挑剔;找茬儿;指责
    If you find fault with something or someone, you look for mistakes and complain about them.


    e.g. I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.

9. (好得)过分,过头
    If you say that someone has a particular good quality to a fault, you are emphasizing that they have more of this quality than is usual or necessary.

    e.g. Jefferson was generous to a fault...
    e.g. Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault, funny, clever and warm.

fault 单语例句


1. Hesitancy round the net was compounded by a service fault, a rare error in badminton.

2. He will be the first to admit that the calamity in his personal life is no one's fault but his own.

3. The area where the quakes hit is part of Africa's Great Rift Valley, which includes a seismically active fault line.

4. Is it China's fault that we are on a fiscally unsustained path, critically dependent on capital inflow to keep the economy going?

5. Indonesia straddles a series of fault lines that make the vast island nation prone to volcanic and seismic activity.

6. Indonesia straddles a chain of fault lines and volcanoes known as the Pacific " Ring of Fire " and is prone to seismic activity.

7. The formation of the lake is thought to have occurred in a geological fault belonging to the geological age of the Late Cenozoic.

8. Chile is situated on one of the world's most active fault lines and through experience has developed many technologies to minimize the impact of earthquakes.

9. Officials decided not to rebuild in the area because it is close to a fault line.

10. My family and I hereby send heartfelt condolence to all those who perish through no fault of their own.

fault 英英释义



1. a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention

    e.g. he made a bad mistake
           she was quick to point out my errors
           I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults

    Synonym: mistakeerror

2. (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area)

    e.g. he served too many double faults

3. responsibility for a bad situation or event

    e.g. it was John's fault

4. the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection

    e.g. they discussed the merits and demerits of her novel
           he knew his own faults much better than she did

    Synonym: demerit

5. (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.)

    e.g. it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it

6. (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other

    e.g. they built it right over a geological fault
           he studied the faulting of the earth's crust

    Synonym: faultinggeological faultshiftfracturebreak

7. an imperfection in an object or machine

    e.g. a flaw caused the crystal to shatter
           if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer

    Synonym: defectflaw



1. put or pin the blame on

    Synonym: blame

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