
favour是什么意思 favour在线翻译 favour什么意思 favour的意思 favour的翻译 favour的解释 favour的发音 favour的同义词 favour的反义词 favour的例句

favour [ˈfeɪvə(r)]  [ˈfevɚ] 


favour 基本解释

名词恩惠; 赞同; 帮助; 善行

及物动词有利于; 赞同; 喜爱; 容貌像…

favour 同义词




favour 反义词

favour 情景对话


A:I can’t believe it!

B:What’s wrong? That was a great goal.


A:Yes, but I bet $200 dollars on the Cougars!


B:Looks like you’re going to lose out on this game then.


A:I can’t believe it! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure.

B:What were the odds?

A:20 to 1, in favour of the Cougars!

B:Too bad.

favour 网络解释

1. 恩惠:24小时不断地为宣教士、失丧灵魂及列国代祷. 自2003年起,多次来到台湾,担任祷告、敬拜与赞美、属灵争战、领受恩膏、婚姻与家庭等主题的讲员. 与妻子拉福(Love)育有三个蒙福的女儿:宝贝(Precious)、恩惠(Favour)和天使(Angel).

2. 赞成:只要有了第一次,就不愁第二次,酒鬼开始表态,拥护这个赞成(favour)卑劣感情的人,声称自己是他的同盟. 很快,不再称他别的什么,只称他为女婿,认为他可以粉碎格拉兹爱娜的抵抗.

3. 好感:十三、四岁的时候,开始对女孩有好感(favour),但是那时候他离女孩远远的,并且以讨厌女孩自居,生怕被同伴嘲笑. 十五岁的时候,听到大人们说某某男人好花,把女朋友甩了,女孩自杀了. 他觉得这人真狠毒,自己将来(future)一定要做个痴情的男人,

4. 青睐:青衿 the scholars in the ancient time | 青睐 favour | 炉火纯青the perfect skills of doing something

favour 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 favor

1. 赞同;支持;喜爱
    If you regard something or someone with favour, you like or support them.

    e.g. It remains to be seen if the show will still find favour with a 1990s audience...
           这个节目是否能继续赢得 90 后观众的喜爱,还要拭目以待。
    e.g. No one would look with favour on the continuing military rule...

2. 恩惠;帮忙
    If you do someone a favour, you do something for them even though you do not have to.


    e.g. I've come to ask you to do me a favour...
    e.g. These are gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return.

3. 与人发生性关系
    If you say that one person gives or sells their favours to another, you mean that they have sex.

    e.g. In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her sexual favours for money.

4. 更喜爱;宁愿;倾向于
    If you favour something, you prefer it to the other choices available.

    e.g. The French say they favour a transition to democracy...
    e.g. He favours bringing the UN into touch with 'modern realities'.

The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions.

5. 偏爱;偏袒;宠爱
    If you favour someone, you treat them better or in a kinder way than you treat other people.


    e.g. The Government came under fire yesterday for favouring elitist arts groups in the South-east...
    e.g. Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.

Her younger brother was the favoured child, encouraged and admired by both parents.

6. 支持;赞成
    If you are in favour of something, you support it and think that it is a good thing.

    e.g. I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts...
    e.g. Yet this is a Government which proclaims that it is all in favour of openness...

7. 认为…正确;认为…有理
    If someone makes a judgment in your favour, they say that you are right about something.

    e.g. If the commission rules in Mr Welch's favour the case will go to the European Court of Human Rights.

8. 对…有利
      If something is in your favour, it helps you or gives you an advantage.

      e.g. The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside...
      e.g. Firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour.

9. (舍弃某物)宁愿选择;选…(而不选…)
      If one thing is rejected in favour of another, the second thing is done or chosen instead of the first.


      e.g. The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.

10. 受宠/失宠;得势/失势
      If someone or something is in favour, people like or support them. If they are out of favour, people no longer like or support them.

favour 单语例句

1. The court ruled in favour of the plaintiff, saying Xiao should abide by the contract she signed with her former employer.

2. Judging by the definition given in the light pollution standard, the court decided in Lu's favour.

3. Ma also made it clear China does not welcome investments by Taiwan business people who are in favour of independence from the Chinese mainland.

4. Huang was criticized by many for his " hysterical " performance in favour of Italy.

5. Both professors and students disturbed by ringing phones and conversations in classes and libraries are in favour of the new regulations.

6. It is likely that some interest groups may set up barriers by formulating various kinds of rules and regulations in their favour.

7. Jingmen's Dongbao District People's court ruled in favour of the plaintiff, saying Guan's injuries were caused by the supermarket's escalator breaking down.

8. Tom Cruise has signed up to make a cameo appearance in the upcoming Star Trek film as a favour to his friend JJ Abrams.

9. China is in favour of a multifaceted approach to addressing the issue, taking into full account the specific situation and actual capacities of different countries.

10. Sony Ericsson's strong capabilities in imaging and music phones have gained favour from China Mobile, the country's largest cellular operator.


favour 英英释义


1. an act of gracious kindness

    Synonym: favor

2. souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party

    Synonym: party favorparty favourfavor

3. an advantage to the benefit of someone or something

    e.g. the outcome was in his favor

    Synonym: favor

4. an inclination to approve

    e.g. that style is in favor this season

    Synonym: favor

5. a feeling of favorable regard

    Synonym: favor


1. consider as the favorite

    e.g. The local team was favored

    Synonym: favor

2. promote over another

    e.g. he favors his second daughter

    Synonym: preferfavor

3. bestow a privilege upon

    Synonym: privilegefavor

4. treat gently or carefully

    Synonym: favor

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