
feasibility是什么意思 feasibility在线翻译 feasibility什么意思 feasibility的意思 feasibility的翻译 feasibility的解释 feasibility的发音

feasibility [ˌfi:zə'bɪlətɪ]  [ˌfizəˈbɪlətɪ] 

feasibility 基本解释

名词可行性; 可能性; 现实性

feasibility 网络解释

1. 可行性:可行性( 可行性(Feasibility) ) 对过程,设计,程序或计划能否在所要求的时间范围内成功完成的确定. Verification) ) 确保所有的设计输出满足设计输入要求的试验.设计验证可包括以下的活动: 用来确保所有重要项目在制定设计要求时已被考虑的防错检查表.语 84 有限元分析( 有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis) ) 指复杂结构模

2. 可行:3、努梅特战略评价四标准. 英国战略学家理查德.努梅特(Richard Rumelt)提出了可用于战略评价的四条标准:一致、协调、优越和可行. 协调(consonance)与优越(advantage)主要用于对公司的外部评估,一致(consistency)与可行(feasibility)则主要用于内部评估. 具体如下:

3. 可能性:但50年代诺伊曼开创的博弈理论赋予了均衡更深刻的意义(很多人知道著名的纳什均衡),可以说正是博弈论使数学(特别是数理分析)的影响力从传统的经济学迅速扩展到社会科学的几乎所有领域;第三个,是实现可能性(feasibility)的问题,这个也不是一个新鲜的概念,

4. 可用性:可压缩性 compressibility | 可用性 feasibility | 可钻性 drillability

feasibility 单语例句

1. The authority said it is also studying the feasibility of providing various overnight shift allowances to doctors according to different calculation systems of each specialty.

2. One intriguing aspect of any feasibility study is whose opinion UEFA will canvass.

3. The two sides also agreed to launch feasibility studies on a new refinery with a proposed annual crude processing capability of 10 million tonnes.

4. A rigorous analysis has to do first with the technical feasibility about the activity which one intends to attract to a specific region.

5. But he said Riyadh and Beijing were discussing the feasibility of the plan and ways of cooperating to carry it out.

6. China and its central Asian neighbors have been carrying out feasibility studies to improve their railway network amid growing trade in recent years.

7. China and its central Asian neighbors have been carrying out feasibility studies to improve their rail network amid growing trade in recent years.

8. The bank's energy team is closely analyzing the feasibility of CCS application in China with local institutions.

9. The central government approved the feasibility study for the maglev line in March, expecting that the new line would improve transport within the Yangtze River Delta region.

10. The NRDC is in charge of supervising power prices, making investment policies and evaluating the feasibility of projects in the field of electricity.

feasibility 英英释义



1. the quality of being doable

    Synonym: feasibleness

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