
feather是什么意思 feather在线翻译 feather什么意思 feather的意思 feather的翻译 feather的解释 feather的发音 feather的同义词 feather的反义词

feather [ˈfeðə(r)]  [ˈfɛðɚ] 


feather 基本解释


名词羽毛,翎毛; 状态,心情; 种类; 桨叶的水平运动

动词给装上羽毛,用羽毛装饰; 使(桨)与水面平行; 长羽毛

feather 相关词组

1. a feather in one's cap : 可夸耀的事, 卓越的成就;

feather 相关例句

1. You might have knocked me down with a feather .


1. feather在线翻译

1. The young birds feathered.


1. feather是什么意思

1. Birds of a feather flock together.

2. I am not of that feather.

feather 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 羽:羽绒夹克(jacet)包括羽绒背心羽绒是由绒(Don)和羽(Feather)构成的. 绒(Don)是由不含毛杆的羽毛,在其羽枝上长出的许多簇细丝,通过绒上的细丝相互交错形成了稳定的热保护层. 因此,绒是羽绒保暖的主要材料. 每一盎司的羽绒大约有2百万根细丝.

feather 词典解释

1. 羽毛
    A bird's feathers are the soft covering on its body. Each feather consists of a lot of smooth hairs on each side of a thin stiff centre.

    e.g. ...a hat that she had made herself from black ostrich feathers.
    e.g. ...a feather bed.

2. 同类的人;志趣相投的人;一丘之貉
    If you describe two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have very similar characteristics, interests, or beliefs.


    e.g. She and my mother were birds of a feather.

3. 可引以为豪的事;荣耀的事;有好处的事
    If you describe something that someone has achieved as a feather in their cap, you mean that they can be proud of it or that it might bring them some advantage.

    e.g. Harry's appointment to this important post was a feather in his cap.

4. to feather one's nest -> see nest
    to ruffle someone's feathers -> see ruffle

feather 单语例句

1. We have a saying that a gift even as light as a goose feather coming from afar conveys affection as heavy as a mountain.

2. Yang said that for want of special equipment, workers use a feather duster to dust the ancient books.

3. The China Feather & Down Industrial Association told a press conference the report " distorted the facts ".

4. The feather jewelry series by Audrey Hu of New York has been introduced to capture a broader customer base who desire unique fashion accessories.

5. I am a thriving grass demonstrating vitality and a determined feather carrying the wish for peace.

6. A single feather was found attached to a flap track on the wing and will be examined by experts at the Smithsonian Institution.

7. Just five years ago few would have recognised a feather dance if it had got up and tickled them.

8. Just a feather touch swing of 2 percent from Labour to the Conservatives would see them lose nearly 40 seats.

9. But for American expats in China - and their friends of other nationalities - Turkey Day becomes a bird of a different feather.

10. The Belarusian admitted she was mystified when the first feather dropped onto the court towards the conclusion of the match.

feather 英英释义



1. turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls

    Synonym: feathering

2. the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds

    Synonym: plumeplumage


1. grow feathers

    e.g. The young sparrows are fledging already

    Synonym: fledge

2. turn the oar, while rowing

    Synonym: square

3. turn the paddle
    in canoeing

    Synonym: square

4. cover or fit with feathers

5. join tongue and groove, in carpentry

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