
fed是什么意思 fed在线翻译 fed什么意思 fed的意思 fed的翻译 fed的解释 fed的发音 fed的同义词 fed的反义词 fed的例句 fed的相关词组

fed [fed]  [fɛd] 


fed 基本解释

名词(F-)<美,非正>(美国)联邦政府执法官员,(尤指)联邦调查局调查员; feed的过去式和过去分词

动词喂养( feed的过去式和过去分词 ); 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物


fed 网络解释

1. 联邦储备系统:作为美国的中央银行,联邦储备系统(Fed)于1913年由国会立法创立,承担了稳定银行系统和维护经济健康的责任. 这种责任具体表现在制定和执行货币政策,并以此影响资金信用的流通和经济发展.

2. fed的意思

2. 联邦储备委员会:以上糟糕的经济数据以及对未来前景的堪忧使得各国救市动作更加频繁,美国联邦储备委 员会(Fed)周二将联邦基金利率大幅下调至接近零利率的水平,并承诺将继续采取非常规措施以抗击过去几周中不断深化的经济衰退.

3. 费德:许多公司凭据徕卡的测距仪设计制造了自己的相机型号,这其中包括日本雷泰斯(Leotax)、早期佳能(Canon),前苏联费德(FED)、佐尔基(Zorki),美国卡董(Kardon),法国富卡(Foca),英国雷德(Reid)的一些型号和上海牌58-II型.

4. fed:field-emit display; 场发射显示器

5. fed:field emission display devices; 场发射显示器件

6. fed:field emitter displays; 场致发射显示器

7. fed:field emission display; 场发射

fed 词典解释

1. see also: fed up

2. (美国安全局、联邦调查局、酒精、烟草与枪支管理局等)联邦机构工作人员
    The feds are federal agents, for example of the American security agency, the FBI, or of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

fed 单语例句

1. A spokesman for the New York Fed wasn't available for comment after regular business hours on Monday.

2. The most recent Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey's future indicators showed notable improvement in August.

3. Ever been fed up with the metropolitan hustle and bustle, and dreamt of living a farmer's life in the countryside?

4. Bernanke noted that expected benefits of the tools need to be balanced against their potential costs and risks when the Fed mulls its further action.

5. Shichahai's three lakes once formed part of a system of waterways that fed into the Grand canal and into the city centre.

6. After the Fed began to tighten monetary policy from 1996, capital flows reversed and the East Asian asset bubbles burst.

7. Paulson also proposed that the Fed get a " consultative role " overseeing the companies'capital requirements.

8. " It's impossible for giant pandas fed in captivity to survive through natural selection, " Xinhua quoted a zoo keeper as saying.

9. The funds rate is the interest banks charge each other on overnight loans and is the Fed's main lever for influencing economic activity.

10. Guangzhou Zoo will gradually reduce the amount of meat being fed to its tigers, leopards and other carnivorous animals over the coming months.

fed 英英释义


1. the central bank of the United States
    incorporates 12 Federal Reserve branch banks and all national banks and state-chartered commercial banks and some trust companies

    e.g. the Fed seeks to control the United States economy by raising and lowering short-term interest rates and the money supply

    Synonym: Federal Reserve SystemFederal ReserveFRS

2. any federal law-enforcement officer

    Synonym: Federalfederal official

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