
feeble是什么意思 feeble在线翻译 feeble什么意思 feeble的意思 feeble的翻译 feeble的解释 feeble的发音 feeble的同义词 feeble的反义词 feeble的例句

feeble 基本解释


形容词虚弱的,衰弱的; 无效的,无意的; 缺乏决心的,缺乏活力的

feeble 同义词

feeble 反义词

feeble 网络解释

1. feeble的反义词

1. 软弱:--花凋谢零落时的一瞬间--永远睡眠的胸口上放着的<<圣经>>--遗书中梅因朗德的名字--这样一路写来,像小鸟的胸毛那么颤抖着,难道没感觉到那软弱(feeble)的、可爱的灵魂的悲愿吗?

2. 脆弱的,易受伤害的:frail 脆弱的 | feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的 | sheer 完全的,纯粹的

3. feeble什么意思

3. 虚弱的:Falter蹒跚 | Feeble虚弱的 | Tacit暗示的

4. 微弱的:fatuous#愚昧的 | feeble#微弱的 | fell#残忍的

feeble 词典解释

1. 虚弱的;微弱的;无力的
    If you describe someone or something as feeble, you mean that they are weak.

    e.g. He told them he was old and feeble and was not able to walk so far...
    e.g. the feeble light of a tin lamp.

His left hand moved feebly at his side.

2. 软弱的;懦弱的
    If you describe someone as feeble, you are criticizing them because they are afraid of taking strong action or seem to make no effort.

    e.g. He said that the Government had been feeble.
    e.g. ...some rather feeble traditionalists.

3. 牵强的;不太可信的
    If you describe something that someone says as feeble, you mean that it is not very good or convincing.

    e.g. This is a particularly feeble argument.

I said 'Sorry', very feebly, feeling rather embarrassed.

feeble 单语例句

1. Although it amounts to the foreigners admitting defeat in their feeble efforts to communicate, this method often results in some of the best vegetarian food.

2. Friday, after rescuers heard the young man's feeble cry for help from beneath a collapsed floor.

3. Although suffering from a feeble storyline and excessive directorial sentimentalism, the film deserves accolades for the magnificent action scenes and touching performances.

4. Feeble punishment for drunken driving is one of the factors people aren't afraid to take the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

5. The United States also serves as a negative factor in the feeble global growth.

6. The Pistons made a staggering 16 of 22 shots in the period, scoring at will against Atlanta's feeble defensive effort.

7. The report blamed some local government agencies for their feeble oversight and their lack of crackdowns on violators.

8. Against such hoary ideals of feminine virtue, the defense of women's rights seems feeble at best.

9. But verbal wrangles are so feeble in the face of the tidal wave that is commercial interests.

10. The members of such family units will eventually grow old and feeble, with one of the partners passing away.

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