
felt是什么意思 felt在线翻译 felt什么意思 felt的意思 felt的翻译 felt的解释 felt的发音 felt的同义词 felt的反义词 felt的例句 felt的相关词组

felt [felt]  [fɛlt] 


felt 基本解释


动词摸索( feel的过去式和过去分词 ); 触; 深感; 以为

felt 相关例句


1. He is wearing a felt hat.

felt 情景对话


A:Did the material work out well for you ?

B:Not really .


A:What was wrong?


B:We felt that the price was too high for the quality .

Get under one’s skin-(使烦躁;(因为爱)使不安)


A:Mary has really gotten under my skin.


B:I know what love is. When I was young, I felt the same way.


A:It thinks I’m crazy about her.


B:You are, why not ask for a date?

felt 网络解释

1. felt的反义词

1. 毡:190 呢或毡(Felt)通常是用羊毛或是毛绒纤维紧密结合而成的片状结构物. 用针刺法制成的非织造布称为针刺呢(Needlepunched felt)191 层压材料(Laminate)层压材料是用泡沫,热塑性树脂或粘合剂粘合在一起的含有两层式更多层的材料.

2. 戟绒布:(七)戟绒布(Felt):要注意厚薄及柔硬度,分普通polyester和acrylic两种,我们通常所用的是普通polyester的,较硬,厚度在1.5mm左右,acrylic的很软,组织疏松易烂,常用于礼品上,少用于玩具上.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 毛毡:公司以海力诺(HIRENOL)作为高质量酚醛树脂的品牌,广泛应用于耐火材料、毛毡(felt),电子材料、涂覆磨具、轮胎、汽车、铸造等十多个领域. 作为品种最全的酚醛树脂生产厂家,我们向客户郑重承诺:保证提供最优质的产品和最周到的服务,

felt 词典解释


2. 毛毡;毡制品
    Felt is a thick cloth made from wool or other fibres packed tightly together.

felt 单语例句


1. They felt Iran was trying to buy time to expand and make irreversible its nuclear program.

2. Lai also issued a statement, saying he felt greatly honored by the appointment.

3. It was by chance that Felt came to play a pivotal role in the drama.

4. " I felt frustrated by the lack of choice of clothing for men, " he told AFP.

5. William has also spoken about how " lucky " he felt to have been welcomed by Catherine's parents during the course of their relationship.

6. I felt bad in the first day but got better day by day.

7. Lu felt moved by Chen's letter and the stream of additional letters that followed, but he remained keen on a jailbreak.

8. The court heard that when Wang arrived in Singapore by plane in August 2006, she felt extremely weak.

9. By then I felt I should do something after traveling all over the source area of the river.

10. So we took the cable car off the mountain and I felt a sense of relief at having escaped.

felt 英英释义



1. a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers



1. change texture so as to become matted and felt-like

    e.g. The fabric felted up after several washes

    Synonym: felt upmat upmatt-upmatte upmattemat

2. cover with felt

    e.g. felt a cap

3. mat together and make felt-like

    e.g. felt the wool

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