
fertilization是什么意思 fertilization在线翻译 fertilization什么意思 fertilization的意思 fertilization的翻译 fertilization的解释 fertilization的发音

fertilization [ˌfɜ:təlaɪ'zeɪʃn]  [ˌfɚtlɪˈzeʃən] 

fertilization 基本解释

名词施肥; 受精,受精过程,受精行为[现象]; 受孕; 受胎

fertilization 网络解释

1. 受精:议测试前后使用无离子水冲洗化学发光仪注射(injector)管道GMS14006 精子细胞总抗氧化能力(TAC)化学发光法定量检测试剂盒 50 次GMS14009 卵母细胞成熟(OOCYTE MATURATION)培养液 500毫升GMS14010 受精(fertilization)细胞培养液 500

2. 施肥:灌溉施肥(Fertigation)是将施肥(Fertilization)与灌溉(Irrigation)结合在一起的一项农业技术,它是借助压力灌溉系统,在灌溉的同时将由固体肥料或液体肥料配兑而成的肥液一起输入到作物根部土壤的一种方法.

3. 受精作用:粗丝期检控点(pachytene checkpoint)之分子作用机制减数分裂(meiosis)在真核生物有性繁殖中扮演决定性的角色,一次减数分裂包含了一次DNA复制,却有二次染色体分离,因此配子内的染色体数目得以减半,配合受精作用(fertilization)而维持子代染色体数

4. 肥沃:fertilizable 可受精的 | fertilization 肥沃 | fertilize 施肥

fertilization 单语例句

1. Armstrong and his former wife Kristin had three children using in vitro fertilization with sperm he had banked before his chemotherapy.

2. It has also achieved academic success based on research in Changting, such as how to improve fertilization of pine trees for afforestation.

3. The couple used in vitro fertilization, and embryos were implanted in Dalenberg's uterus.

4. Parthenogenesis - where eggs become embryos without male fertilization - had only been noted once before in a Komodo dragon.

5. Despite imperfections or those damaged during the freezing process, there are still enough healthy sperm cells remaining for fertilization.

6. She constantly received calls for counseling on in vitro fertilization in this period or on selective births for 2008.

7. They led to widespread cultivation of the grasslands, but the lack of adequate irrigation and fertilization resulted in extremely low crop productivity.

8. The surgery came after two failed attempts at test tube fertilization using eggs donated by the woman's sister.

9. Before we really planned to have one I had never thought about having a baby through in vitro fertilization.

10. And the thawed eggs enjoy almost the same fertilization rate as fresh ones.

fertilization 英英释义



1. making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure

    Synonym: fertilisationfecundationdressing

2. creation by the physical union of male and female gametes
    of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant

    Synonym: fertilisationfecundationimpregnation

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