
fiddle是什么意思 fiddle在线翻译 fiddle什么意思 fiddle的意思 fiddle的翻译 fiddle的解释 fiddle的发音 fiddle的同义词 fiddle的反义词 fiddle的例句

fiddle [ˈfɪdl]  [ˈfɪdl] 


fiddle 基本解释

名词小提琴; [航]桌面柜; 〈非〉胡扯,无聊; 欺诈,欺骗行为

不及物动词拉小提琴; 神经质地摆弄手指或手; 瞎搞,胡混; 干预,篡改

及物动词用提琴演奏(乐曲); 欺诈,欺骗; 伪造

fiddle 相关例句


1. fiddle什么意思

1. He fiddled away the whole afternoon.

2. Stop fiddling with that pen!


1. fiddle什么意思

1. Stop fiddling about.

2. Don't fiddle with my new car.

fiddle 网络解释

1. fiddle的近义词

1. 小提琴:正宗的赫尔维氐民族的后裔,多达10人的团队编制足以体现出音乐的丰富性,除了风笛(Bagpipe)、哨(Low & Tin Whistle)、爱尔兰长笛(Irish Flute)、小提琴(Fiddle)等凯尔特民族乐器之外,甚至有些乐器的名字从未耳闻.

2. 提琴:在爱尔兰提琴(FIDDLE)的悠扬伴奏下,一阵激烈的爵士鼓点由慢至快的响起,一群爱尔兰舞者,整齐划一的跳着踢踏舞出场了!整个酒巴回响着热烈的掌声,欢呼声四起,我的注意力被完全吸引. 节奏欢快的爱尔兰风笛加入音乐中,

3. 民族提琴:109 Bagpipe 风笛 | 110 Fiddle 民族提琴 | 111 Shanai 山奈

4. 古提琴:Timbales 天巴鼓/廷巴鼓 | Fiddle 古提琴 | Guiro 刮瓜(拉丁音乐)

fiddle 词典解释

1. 摆弄;拨弄
    If you fiddle with an object, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers.

    e.g. Harriet fiddled with a pen on the desk.

2. 作小改动;略微变动;稍稍修改
    If you fiddle with something, you change it in minor ways.


    e.g. She told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it.

3. 调校;调整
    If you fiddle with a machine, you adjust it.

    e.g. He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show.

4. 篡改,伪造(财务记录)
    If someone fiddles financial documents, they alter them dishonestly so that they get money for themselves.

    e.g. He's been fiddling the books...
    e.g. Stop fiddling your expenses account.

5. 欺诈;诈骗
    A fiddle is a dishonest action or scheme in which someone gets money for themselves.

    e.g. Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday.
           调查涉及 1,000 万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案的警察昨天逮捕了 16 人。
    e.g. ...legitimate businesses that act as covers for tax fiddles.

6. 麻烦之事;繁琐之事
    If something is a fiddle, it is quite difficult to do because it involves small or complicated objects.

    e.g. I found out how to fix the tray on — a bit of a fiddle.

7. (尤指用于演奏民间音乐的)小提琴
    Some people call violins fiddles, especially when they are used to play folk music.

    e.g. Hardy as a young man played the fiddle at local dances.

8. 非常健康;充满活力
    Someone who is as fit as a fiddle is very healthy and full of energy.


    e.g. I'm as fit as a fiddle — with energy to spare.

9. 干骗钱的勾当;诈骗
    If someone is on the fiddle, they get money by doing illegal or dishonest things.


10. 大难临头仍歌舞升平;见危难而若无其事
    If you say that someone is fiddling while Rome burns, you mean that they are not dealing with a difficult or dangerous situation but instead are doing useless things or pretending that nothing is wrong.

11. 处于次要地位;当副手;唱配角
      If you play second fiddle to someone, your position is less important than theirs in something that you are doing together.

      e.g. She hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose.

12. 摆弄,拨弄(使运转)
      If you fiddle around or fiddle about with a machine, you do things to it to try and make it work.

      e.g. Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.

13. 虚度光阴;无所事事;瞎混
      If someone fiddles around or fiddles about, they waste time doing unimportant things instead of dealing with important problems.

      e.g. He wants lawmakers to basically stop fiddling around as the country moves closer to breaking up...
      e.g. He wastes time fiddling about with minor matters.

14. 对…作无谓的修改
      If you say that someone is fiddling around with or fiddling about with something, you mean that they are changing it in a way that you disapprove of.

      e.g. Right now in Congress, they're fiddling around with the budget and so on...
      e.g. One always wonders when a man starts fiddling about with his Will.

相关词组:fiddle around

fiddle 单语例句

1. Guiding their actions is the philosophy that integrity in business plays second fiddle to results, and the end justifies the means.

2. YES Coffee will eventually usurp tea as China's drink of choice just as surely as cars are relegating bicycles to second fiddle.

3. There is embellishment - sweet, pretty and providing you with something to fiddle with on the bus.

4. " Our Politicians Fiddle as Innocents Die, " read a headline Sunday in the Times of India newspaper.

5. It was not until recent centuries that visual materials played second fiddle to both written materials and musical instruments that were preserved on unparalleled levels.

6. The performer holds the fiddle in their left hand and plucks the string with a tiny piece of bamboo in their right hand.

7. Kitajima won gold in the 100 and 200m at the Athens Olympics four years ago but has largely played second fiddle to rival Hansen since.

8. Silver has played second fiddle to gold for most investors, but this inattention has meant they miss out on substantial profits.

9. By making the decision known to the public, the government made it well nigh impossible for managers to fiddle with the relief funds.

10. Yet nothing has substantially changed the reality of the country's vast countryside playing second fiddle to the soaring urban economy.

fiddle 英英释义



1. bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family
    this instrument has four strings and a hollow body and an unfretted fingerboard and is played with a bow

    Synonym: violin


1. try to fix or mend

    e.g. Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right
           She always fiddles with her van on the weekend

    Synonym: tinker

2. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly

    e.g. Someone tampered with the documents on my desk
           The reporter fiddle with the facts

    Synonym: tampermonkey

3. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination

    e.g. She played nervously with her wedding ring
           Don't fiddle with the screws
           He played with the idea of running for the Senate

    Synonym: toydiddleplay

4. play on a violin

    e.g. Zuckerman fiddled that song very nicely

5. play the violin or fiddle

6. commit fraud and steal from one's employer

    e.g. We found out that she had been fiddling for years

7. avoid (one's assigned duties)

    e.g. The derelict soldier shirked his duties

    Synonym: shirkshrink fromgoldbrick

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