
fiddling是什么意思 fiddling在线翻译 fiddling什么意思 fiddling的意思 fiddling的翻译 fiddling的解释 fiddling的发音 fiddling的同义词

fiddling [ˈfɪdlɪŋ]  [ˈfɪdlɪŋ] 


fiddling 基本解释


动词篡改; 伪造( fiddle的现在分词 ); 骗取; 修理或稍作改动

fiddling 网络解释

1. fiddling

1. 无足轻重地:fiddley 锅炉舱顶棚 | fiddling 无足轻重地 | fidei defensor 护教者

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 无事忙的:fiddleviolin 小提琴 | fiddling 无事忙的 | fiddling 拉小提琴的

3. 拉小提琴的:fiddling 无事忙的 | fiddling 拉小提琴的 | fidelity 保真度

4. 微不足道的:physical 物质的 | fiddling 微不足道的 | antenna 触角,天线

fiddling 词典解释

1. 诈骗;伪造账目
    Fiddling is the practice of getting money dishonestly by altering financial documents.


    e.g. Salomon's fiddling is likely to bring big trouble for the firm.

2. (尤指民乐的)小提琴演奏
    Violin playing, especially in folk music, is sometimes referred to as fiddling .

3. 麻烦的;繁琐的
    You can describe something as fiddling if it is small, unimportant, or difficult to do.

    e.g. ...the daunting amount of fiddling technical detail.

fiddling 单语例句


1. The two were watching television at a colleague's home near their worksite, when Jiang spotted a gun in the corner and started fiddling with it.

2. And because Columbus is so busy fiddling with frothy fantasy, the inherent darkness of this mysterious place is smothered by the visual fairy floss.

3. The charges against Chaudhry included using influence to get his son a job, fiddling petrol expenses and that he had a penchant for expensive cars.

4. The group depicted Bush as Emperor Nero fiddling while the planet burned.

5. The accident was simply the result of me not noticing an upcoming curb while walking and fiddling with my mobile phone in the dark.

6. Bush is fiddling with his fishing rod when a fellow rider pulls up, and he says he's just finished two books.

7. That may be because the early digital camera buyers were techies who enjoy fiddling around on their computers.

8. Men have long stood at social gatherings furtively fiddling with their equipment.

9. In fiddling with it I realized that the world of books was at my fingertips.

10. As he talks, he spends most of the time fiddling with something near his hands.

fiddling 英英释义


1. (informal) small and of little importance

    e.g. a fiddling sum of money
           a footling gesture
           our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
           a little (or small) matter
           a dispute over niggling details
           limited to petty enterprises
           piffling efforts
           giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

    Synonym: footlinglilliputianlittlenigglingpiddlingpifflingpettypicayunetrivial

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