
fiery是什么意思 fiery在线翻译 fiery什么意思 fiery的意思 fiery的翻译 fiery的解释 fiery的发音 fiery的同义词 fiery的反义词 fiery的例句

fiery [ˈfaɪəri]  [ˈfaɪri] 


fiery 基本解释

形容词火热的; 激烈的; 火似的; 易燃烧的

fiery 同义词


fiery 反义词


fiery 相关例句


1. She has fiery red hair.

2. The politician gave a fiery speech.

fiery 网络解释

1. 俺心旌摇荡浑身:她呢喃来吧I am ready, | 俺心旌摇荡浑身Fiery, | 不顾一切想把她Occupy,

2. fiery是什么意思

2. 火的:fierymine瓦斯矿井 | fiery火的 | fifthalarm五级火警

3. fiery的近义词

3. 如火的:fiend 恶魔 | fiery 如火的 | fifteen 十五

4. fiery

4. 炽:3 序 Order | 4 炽 Fiery | 5 莽 Reckless

fiery 词典解释

1. 熊熊燃烧的;含火的
    If you describe something as fiery, you mean that it is burning strongly or contains fire.


    e.g. A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo.

2. (颜色)火一般的,如火的
    You can use fiery for emphasis when you are referring to bright colours such as red or orange.


    e.g. A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display.

3. (食物或饮料)辛辣的,刺激的
    If you describe food or drink as fiery, you mean that it has a very strong hot or spicy taste.


    e.g. A fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice.

4. (感情、尤指愤怒)激烈的,暴烈的
    If you describe someone as fiery, you mean that they express very strong emotions, especially anger, in their behaviour or speech.

    e.g. She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician...
    e.g. She had a fiery temper and liked to get her own way.

fiery 单语例句

1. The vehicle moves toward the security camera while the children walk in the opposite direction, nearly passing the SUV when the footage ends in a fiery blast.

2. Out of that incident flows a chain of revenge that ends with Barabas dying in a fiery cauldron.

3. Perry's passion for chili makes Sichuan and Hunan provinces his favorite regions, as both are steeped in the fiery spice.

4. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste.

5. Ahmadinejad spoke in a far more conciliatory tone than the one he usually adopts, avoiding fiery denunciations of the West with a call for talks.

6. The fiery spider legs of a bottle rocket radiated from the source of the concussion above.

7. Local residents told reporters that a fiery ball fell from the sky and smashed into the desolate Andean plain near the Bolivian border Saturday morning.

8. Conservative critics of Ahmadinejad won a substantial bloc in the legislature, highlighting the discontent with the president's fiery style and failure to repair the economy.

9. A reflective mirror forms the shape of a door that cannot be entered, while a net of red lasers forms a wall of fiery luminescence.

10. The players may have envisioned the sort of fiery speeches Krzyzewski uses when Duke faces North Carolina.

fiery 英英释义


1. like or suggestive of fire

    e.g. a fiery desert wind
           an igneous desert atmosphere

    Synonym: igneous

2. very intense

    e.g. a fiery temper
           flaming passions

    Synonym: flaming

3. characterized by intense emotion

    e.g. ardent love
           an ardent lover
           a fervent desire to change society
           a fervent admirer
           fiery oratory
           an impassioned appeal
           a torrid love affair

    Synonym: ardentferventfervidimpassionedperfervidtorrid

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