
fighting是什么意思 fighting在线翻译 fighting什么意思 fighting的意思 fighting的翻译 fighting的解释 fighting的发音 fighting的同义词

fighting ['faɪtɪŋ]  [ˈfaɪtɪŋ] 


fighting 基本解释

形容词战斗的; 好战的; 作战用的; 适于打斗的

名词战斗; 斗志; 宣战言论; 微小但值得一搏的机会

动词打架; 斗争; 战斗( fight的现在分词 ); 吵架

fighting 网络解释

1. 地下拳击场:<<战斗/地下拳击场>>(Fighting)今日美国公映!<<战斗>>(Fighting)海报<<战斗>>(Fighting)今日(4月24日)美国公映,本片由罗格影业(Rogue Pictures)出品,是一部以地下拳赛为背景的体育励志片,剧情如同上世纪八十年代的搏击片基本差不多,

2. 戰鬥:<<战斗>>(Fighting)海报<<战斗>>(Fighting)今日(4月24日)美国公映,本片由罗格影业(Rogue Pictures)出品,是一部以地下拳赛为背景的体育励志片,剧情如同上世纪八十年代的搏击片基本差不多,主演为近年逐渐走红的美国帅哥查宁.塔图姆(Channing Tatum),

3. 加油:' 距离(distance) 宁愿距离在现实中 至少物理上能量 只要肯干花时间就能缩短 若在人们的心中 则是与生俱来 那便是最遥远的距离http://www.06b.com/2005-1/2005129172905.htm加油(fighting)哎!

4. 打鬥:在一开始,团体以为获救了(relieved)得以持续运作下去,但长此以往,经过几次聚会以后,团体会开始受不了,而会有打斗(fighting)、长期缺席(absenteeism)及中途退出(dropout)等情况发生.

fighting 单语例句

1. So give a potential Mr Right a fighting chance by going out with him for at least three dates before you make any decision.

2. There's nothing heroic about fighting rape allegations by day and playing basketball by night.

3. " We are appealing for immediate assistance for the thousands of people affected by the fighting, " said Ahmed.

4. They have lost their voice in the cacophony of the fighting between the two parties.

5. More dead lay uncollected in the streets - making the death toll since the latest surge in fighting impossible to calculate.

6. He urged Egyptians and Muslims around the world to pressure Mubarak into opening the border and to take a more active role in fighting Israel.

7. Iraqi security forces are still not capable of fighting the insurgents on their own, putting pressure on the government to pursue a political approach to ending the carnage.

8. It suggested an international expert team be set up to carry out such exercises to ensure fighting experiences can be shared among countries.

9. But Sarkozy's famous fighting spirit will carry him through to the last minute.

10. Fatah has threatened to carry the fighting to the West Bank, where Hamas is weak.

fighting 英英释义



1. the act of fighting
    any contest or struggle

    e.g. a fight broke out at the hockey game
           there was fighting in the streets
           the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap

    Synonym: fightcombatscrap

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