
figure out是什么意思 figure out在线翻译 figure out什么意思 figure out的意思 figure out的翻译 figure out的解释 figure out的发音 figure out的同义词

figure out [ˈfiɡə aut]  [ˈfɪɡjɚ aʊt] 

figure out 基本解释

想出; 解决; 计算出; 弄明白

figure out 相关例句


1. figure out

1. I can't figure him out.

figure out 情景对话


A:We need to figure out how much money we’re spending and what we’re spending it on.



figure out的翻译

A:Well, I think we could be saving more.

B:Really, well, o.k. Get the receipts out.

A:Let’s see. We spent $700 dollars for our home loan payment, $400 on groceries, $75 on utilities, $250 on gasoline, $100 on books, and $300 on entertainment last month.

figure out是什么意思

B:That’s $1825.

A:We put $500 into the savings account, and $750 into our stock account.

B:$3075. Our paychecks our $3300, combined. That means we don’t have any receipts for $225.

figure out


Social Security-(社会保险)

A:Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

figure out的意思

B:Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?


A:Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.

B:Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?

A:Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.


B:Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.

figure out的意思

A:Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.

B:Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.


A:Hi Diane, do you have a minute?

B:Sure, what’s up?

A:Well, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I just haven’t been myself.

B:You have been acting a little strange.

figure out的意思

A:No, not just a little. I’ve been really rude to you and I’m sorry. I know you must think I’m a fair-weather friend.

figure out

B:To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.

A:You’re right, I am. But that’s no excuse to treat you poorly. Will you forgive me?

figure out

B:Of course I will. That’s what friends are for! So tell me, how is your sister?

A:She’s still in the hospital.

B:Do the doctors know what’s wrong with her yet?

figure out的解释

A:No, they’re still doing tests and trying to figure out new medications in the hope that something will work.

B:How is she holding up?

A:She’s the same as always, surprisingly enough! She’s always been the funny one and she still is. Even at a time like this, she’s making jokes. She’s amazing.

figure out 网络解释

1. 弄明白:好像人生中的摩擦效果一样深奥,我们甚至无法弄明白(figure out)到底什么是爱情!尽管它会对人的一生产生极大的影响,但我们还是无法描述(figure out)出到底什么是真爱.

2. 找出:也是相当的有用.它可以显示出由程序(process)所产生的系统呼叫,而且还拥有其它众多繁复的功能(multiplicity),像是如果你手边没有原始码的话,strace可以帮你找出(figure out)有那些路径(path-names)已编译进执行档(binaries)内;

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 计算出;估计;理解:figure on 把...估计在内;指望 | figure out 计算出;估计;理解 | figure up 计算...,把...总加起来

4. figure out是什么意思

4. 计算出;估计:feel like感到想要做 | figure out计算出;估计 | find out查明;找到;发现

figure out 词典解释

figure out 单语例句

1. It did so to buy time to figure out how to pay creditors.

2. The local police are now trying to figure out Yuan's motive for the act.

3. I recall spending a few days trying to figure out what she meant by what translated as " We of canine cry your ".

4. And no one can really expect car drivers to figure out their individual contribution to the country's growing dependence on foreign oil.

5. He has to figure out how to change his game up here and there.

6. While children continue to come up against widespread misunderstanding of their condition, scientists are trying to figure out the genetic cause of the disease.

7. And even if one is fully conversant with the language, it may take some effort to figure out what all those abbreviations stand for.

8. Investment bankers have been losing their cushy jobs because they could not figure out any convincing way to price distressed mortgage debt.

9. It is important to figure out the best plan with both social benefit and cost being taken into account.

10. Yet Xia also pointed out the number of travellers was smaller than the official figure, because some people were counted more than once.

figure out 英英释义

figure out


1. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of

    e.g. did you solve the problem?
           Work out your problems with the boss
           this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out
           did you get it?
           Did you get my meaning?
           He could not work the math problem

    Synonym: solvework outpuzzle outlickwork

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