
filling是什么意思 filling在线翻译 filling什么意思 filling的意思 filling的翻译 filling的解释 filling的发音 filling的同义词 filling的反义词

filling [ˈfɪlɪŋ]  [ˈfɪlɪŋ] 


filling 基本解释

名词装满,填满; 填充物; (糕点内的)馅; (织品的)纬纱


filling 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. I have a filling in my tooth.

filling 网络解释

1. 填充:Jasper文件用于和所需的数据一同生成最后的报表,这一过程被称为填充(filling)报表. JRXML文件只需被编译一次,编译生成的Jasper文件可以根据需要被多次填充,从而创建和显示报表.

2. filling的解释

2. 充填:目前, Moldex3D 暂时只开放充填 (Filling) 与冷却 (Cooling) 分析模块. Moldex3D 采用最新的 3D 立体显示技术,快速清楚地将模型内外部的温度场、应力场、流动场和速度场等十余种结果展示在您的眼前. 对于上述分析结果的展现也可利用等位线或等位面方式显示,

3. 補 牙:如果早早的爱护(TAKE CARE),就减少大面积的补牙(FILLING)和根管治疗(ROOT CANAL)的可能性,这样也不需要烤瓷牙(CROWN)来固定弱牙(WEAKENED TEETH). 实际上也就避免了大的花销. 如果你牙疼才去看,那就已经是晚了.

filling 词典解释

1. (补牙用的)填料
    A filling is a small amount of metal or plastic that a dentist puts in a hole in a tooth to prevent further decay.

    e.g. The longer your child can go without needing a filling, the better.

2. (糕点的)馅
    The filling in something such as a cake, pie, or sandwich is a substance or mixture that is put inside it.

    e.g. Spread some of the filling over each pancake.

3. (软体家具或垫子的)芯,填充物
    The filling in a piece of soft furniture or in a cushion is the soft substance inside it.


    e.g. ...second-hand sofas with old-style foam fillings.

4. (食物)令人感到饱足的
    Food that is filling makes you feel full when you have eaten it.

    e.g. Although it is tasty, crab is very filling.

filling 单语例句

1. Local media reported that at some filling stations, many queued to buy the coupons over the weekend.

2. More ambitious people combine meat and vegetables - for example, by filling zucchini halves with ground meat.

3. For the more common egg yolk filling, the aromatic jasmine tea makes for a good choice.

4. The explosion led to a big fire and resulted in a large amount of carbon dust filling the air.

5. Carter was filling in after the team elected to hold Clark out rather than take a risk with his health.

6. Chinese dumplings don't fit into those categories, with their payload of filling in a thin dough casing.

7. Journalists who wan to cover the " two sessions " can download application forms from the press center website and send it back after filling in them.

8. With tip of handle of wooden spoon, press dough down in center of each cup to make room for 2 tablespoons filling.

9. Place a mound of filling in the center and pinch edges together tightly, making sure there are no leaks.

10. Place a large spoonful of the prepared filling in the center of the dumpling skin.

filling 英英释义



1. the act of filling something

2. (dentistry) a dental appliance consisting of any of various substances (as metal or plastic) inserted into a prepared cavity in a tooth

    e.g. when he yawned I could see the gold fillings in his teeth
           an informal British term for `filling' is `stopping'

3. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

    Synonym: woofweftpick

4. a food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.

5. flow into something (as a container)

6. any material that fills a space or container

    e.g. there was not enough fill for the trench

    Synonym: fill

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