
fingerprint是什么意思 fingerprint在线翻译 fingerprint什么意思 fingerprint的意思 fingerprint的翻译 fingerprint的解释 fingerprint的发音

fingerprint [ˈfɪŋgəprɪnt]  [ˈfɪŋgərprɪnt] 


fingerprint 基本解释



fingerprint 相关例句


1. The criminal was fingerprinted in the sheriff's office.

2. The aircraft has equipment to fingerprint enemy planes.


1. The burglars wore rubber gloves to guard against fingerprints.

2. The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works.

fingerprint 网络解释

1. 手印:有位仁兄在美申请调整身份转为永久居民,手印(fingerprint)按了之后,等啊等啊,冬去春来,就是等不到批件. 后来写信询问,移民局官员回复说:你少了一个手印,我们必须收到十个手印才可办理. 这位仁兄哭笑不得:爹妈只给了我九个手指,

2. 指纹识别:即目视范围的通信联系方式. 这就说明雨、雾、墙等障碍均能影响到微波的传输质量. 所以,我们在使用无线技术时也应该考虑到这些特点,在适当的环境下搭建网络. -m<攻击模式>,其攻击模式有测试(test)、指纹识别(fingerprint)、强力攻击(bruteforce)等;

3. 指印:其小如指印(fingerprint)的提交技术支持从Windows CE手持设备到高性能的SMP服务器计算机各种规模的应用环境,用户可以根据企业规模无缝地伸缩定制. 它不仅可以与大型同构或异构数据库之间异步复制,而且是一个自适应自调整的DBMS,

fingerprint 词典解释

1. 指纹;指印
    Fingerprints are marks made by a person's fingers which show the lines on the skin. Everyone's fingerprints are different, so they can be used to identify criminals.


    e.g. The detective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints.
    e.g. ...his fingerprint on the murder weapon.
           他留在凶器上的指纹 ● If the police take someone's fingerprints, they make that person press their fingers onto a pad covered with ink, and then onto paper, so that they know what that person's fingerprints look like. 提取…的指纹;让…按下指印

2. 提取…的指纹
    If someone is fingerprinted, the police take their fingerprints.


    e.g. He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.

3. 提取在…上的指纹
    If the police fingerprint an object, they put a layer of special dust on it so that any fingerprints that are on it can be seen.

    e.g. Let's fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.

fingerprint 单语例句

1. After having your fingerprint checked by computer, you can then enter the storeroom and check your deposit.

2. It will replace the current method of using ink to record fingerprint images.

3. A draft amendment of the Resident Identity Cards Law requires fingerprint data to safeguard public security and make the cards harder to forge.

4. Let your fingers do the work that's the plan some lawmakers have drawn up in efforts to make society safer through a national fingerprint database.

5. Police plan to run any evidence through national fingerprint and DNA databases and study other unsolved homicides for possible links.

6. There is also widespread concern over the Bush administration's aggressive foreign policy and security measures, especially the recent decision to fingerprint and photograph foreign visitors.

7. Authorities are instructed to provide exam takers with standard stationery and make fingerprint identification instruments available in areas where the financial situation allows.

8. Police have obtained the fingerprint of the suspect, the source said.

9. The court faxed the mediation paper to Li, and 15 minutes later he faxed it back marked with his signature and fingerprint.

10. Li then signed her name and pressed her fingerprint to a piece of paper recording her oath after giving testimony.

fingerprint 英英释义



1. a smudge made by a (dirty) finger

    Synonym: fingermark

2. a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger
    often used for biometric identification in criminal investigations

3. a generic term for any identifying characteristic

    e.g. that tax bill had the senator's fingerprints all over it



1. take an impression of a person's fingerprints

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