
finished是什么意思 finished在线翻译 finished什么意思 finished的意思 finished的翻译 finished的解释 finished的发音 finished的同义词

finished [ˈfɪnɪʃt]  [ˈfɪnɪʃt] 


finished 基本解释

形容词完成了的; 技术高超的; 精湛的; 〈俚〉死了的,完蛋了的

动词结束,完成( finish的过去式和过去分词)

finished 同义词


finished 反义词


finished 相关例句


1. All that is finished now.

2. finished的近义词

2. That is a finished performance.

3. The enemy is finished.

4. If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished!

5. finished的翻译

5. He's finished as an actor.

finished 情景对话



A:We just finished (rebuilding/ remodeling/ renovating) everything.

B:It looks great!



A:I’ve finished it all.

B:It’s been a long day.

A:It’s dark outside already.


B:It’s time to go home.

A:Let’s go home!



A:Can you meet this deadline?

B:Yes, I’ll have it finished by (tomorrow morning/ this afternoon/ Friday at 5pm).

finished 网络解释

1. 结束:采用SSL在技术上已经很成熟,互联网的安全敏感数据几乎都是由SSL通道传输的. 紧跟在change_cipher_spec报文之后的是结束(finished)报文,它包含了一个报文鉴别码(MAC),此MAC由被master_secret加密过的所有握手协议报文计算得出.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 完美的:finish 完成,结束,完美 | finished 完美的 | finite 有限的

3. 完成的:finish 完成 | finished 完成的 | finisher 润饰者

finished 词典解释

1. 不再做(…)的;(同…)不再打交道的;(对…)不再感兴趣的
    Someone who is finished with something is no longer doing it or dealing with it or is no longer interested in it.

    e.g. One suspects he will be finished with boxing.

2. 不复存在的;不再发生的
    Something that is finished no longer exists or is no longer happening.

    e.g. I go back on the dole when the shooting season's finished.

3. 垮台的;完蛋的;失势的;失效的
    Someone or something that is finished is no longer important, powerful, or effective.

    e.g. Her power over me is finished...
    e.g. He confessed: 'I thought I was finished.'

4. (以某种方式的外观或装饰)最后呈现的
    Something that is finished or finished off in a particular way has been given a particular appearance or decoration.

    e.g. The dining room is finished in deep red...
    e.g. Each dress is beautifully finished off with piped seams and fitted underskirts.

finished 单语例句

1. Robotic submarines finished removing a busted piece of pipe that was bolted around the leak around 3 am Sunday.

2. Hamilton's teammate Jenson Button finished second ahead of Alonso, whose championship lead was cut from 37 to 29 points with six races to go.

3. Hamilton won three races last season but was beaten by Jenson Button, the first teammate who has ever finished a campaign ahead of him overall.

4. Wenger was concerned by Fabregas's injury but took heart from the fact that he finished the 90 minutes.

5. Liang Xiaoyan of the Beijing Brooks Education Centre suggested ACEF collect influential cases by NGOs and share successful experiences after the survey is finished.

6. The road is expected to be finished by the end of November, laying the groundwork for the construction of the National Stadium and the National Swimming Centre.

7. Construction and decoration work are expected to start in June and will be finished by the end of September.

8. Yang said he expects his bureau will have finished the branch cleanup job in the urban area by the end of the week.

9. By the time I finished the foot soak, it was about 2 in the morning.

10. The construction started in December and will be finished by this Christmas.

finished 英英释义


1. brought to ruin

    e.g. after the revolution the aristocracy was finished
           the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically

    Synonym: ruined

2. ended or brought to an end

    e.g. are you finished?
           gave me the finished manuscript

3. (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state

    e.g. a finished product

4. having a surface coating or finish applied

    e.g. the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones

5. (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence

    e.g. a dazzling and finished piece of writing
           a finished violinist

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