
finishing是什么意思 finishing在线翻译 finishing什么意思 finishing的意思 finishing的翻译 finishing的解释 finishing的发音 finishing的同义词

finishing ['fɪnɪʃɪŋ]  ['fɪnɪʃɪŋ] 


finishing 基本解释



名词完成; 结束; 修整; 结尾

动词结束,完成( finish的现在分词 )

finishing 网络解释

1. finishing在线翻译

1. 精加工:含丝羊绒,克什米尔羊绒或大豆纤维的混纺羊毛(Mixed wool)面料在原产国进行精梳处理,之后的纺纱(SPINNING)、染色(DYEING)、编织(WEAVING)和精加工(FINISHING)处理皆在REDA位于Valle Mosso的工厂完成.

2. 整理:从出口产品构成来看,纺纱(Spinning)机械占17%,织造(Weaving)机械占14%,针织(Knitting)机械占15%,后整理(Finishing)机械占18%,清洗(Laundry)机械占14%,产品配件占18%,其他机械占4%.

3. 射门:抢点,冷静型------其实抢点和冷静都差不多所以一起说了,凭个人经验,08最重要的前锋数值---镇定(composure),很多人批评说前锋把握能力差,个人觉得重要的就在这,可以这样理解---射门(finishing)就是射门时的脚法,而镇定(composure)--就是射门时选择的方式和角度,

finishing 单语例句

1. At the national championships Wu complained of fatigue after finishing third in the 100m butterfly and said he found it tough racing in the morning.

2. The two ministries call for officials and schools to carry out the policy immediately after finishing enrollment for such students.

3. Le Royal Meridien Shanghai has chosen pink as the color of Easter this year, with rose champagne and a buffet decorated in pink finishing.

4. Guangdong's education authorities last year forbad NCEE participants from leaving test venues before finishing the test to stop people cheating on exams.

5. Finishing the 2005 season ranked 35, the Hubei native has given China a lot to cheer for this year.

6. Houston was scheduled to play Sunday night at Denver and Monday night at Utah before finishing at home Wednesday night against the Clippers.

7. Ivory Coast might have scored earlier in the match but for poor finishing and good defending by Roberto Ayala and Gabriel Heinze in the centre.

8. It is this attention to detail that is so astonishing, from the adjustable brightness of the reading lights to the quality finishing in the bathroom.

9. Prior to those late goals the game had looked to be heading for a draw, because of a combination of Sorensen's goalkeeping and Liverpool's indifferent finishing.

10. Li counters by saying that his company was registered on September 5 after finishing all necessary commercial and industrial registration procedures.

finishing 英英释义


1. the act of finishing

    e.g. his best finish in a major tournament was third
           the speaker's finishing was greeted with applause

    Synonym: finish

2. a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance)

    e.g. the boat had a metallic finish
           he applied a coat of a clear finish
           when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly

    Synonym: coatingfinish

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