
firing是什么意思 firing在线翻译 firing什么意思 firing的意思 firing的翻译 firing的解释 firing的发音 firing的同义词 firing的反义词 firing的例句

firing [ˈfaɪərɪŋ]  [ˈfaɪrɪŋ] 


firing 基本解释

名词开火; 生火; 烧窑; 烘烤

动词开火,射击( fire的现在分词 ); <口>解雇; 射(箭); 激励

firing 网络解释

1. firing的近义词

1. 点火:当这些动作发生时,控件点火(Firing)一个事件并通知容器. MFC支持两种事件:库存事件(stock event)和定制事件(custom研究,即对象链接和嵌入(OLE)标准. ActiveX是从OLE发展而来的,实际上,

2. firing的意思

2. 放电:当两个连接的神经元频繁重复激发放电(firing)时,它们间的连接得到加强,因此首先放电的神经元就可以触发后面的神经元放电. 这一过程正如神经科学家所知那样,在多个相邻神经元上发生,产生了一个网络,连接不同的神经元和编码和以及进行信息的连接.

firing 单语例句

1. In its own court papers, the Garden said Browne Sanders'firing was for legitimate business reasons.

2. An Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia executed two girls by firing squad, and hundreds of residents of a town were forced to view the spectacle.

3. The purpose of the firing was to calibrate the CIWS radar tracking system to ensure accuracy.

4. The arrests came after Hamas and other groups turned down Abbas's call for a halt to the rocket firing.

5. The actor's perspective on antidepressants echoes that of Scientology, and Cruise became more vocal about his religion after firing longtime publicist Pat Kingsley.

6. University of Michigan researchers just uncovered that eating something tasty can spark brain cells that sense actual pleasure to start firing rapidly.

7. It was the third such firing of a ruling party governor this year stemming from a sweeping graft investigation in the chaotic West African country.

8. But Anelka settled the game with three minutes to go, chasing down Amoruso's poor header before firing through Friedel's legs from the narrowest of angles.

9. The United States struck at the Iraqi insurgency hours later, destroying a warehouse in Baghdad and chasing attackers who were seen firing mortars.

10. NATO said the soldiers had been at an Afghan police checkpoint when an individual picked up his weapon and began firing.

firing 英英释义


1. the act of discharging a gun

    Synonym: dischargefiring off

2. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

    Synonym: dismissaldismissiondischargeliberationreleasesacksacking

3. the act of setting something on fire

    Synonym: ignitionlightingkindlinginflammation

4. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy

    e.g. hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes
           they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire

    Synonym: fire

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