
fitted是什么意思 fitted在线翻译 fitted什么意思 fitted的意思 fitted的翻译 fitted的解释 fitted的发音 fitted的同义词 fitted的反义词 fitted的例句

fitted [ˈfɪtɪd] [ˈfitid] 


fitted 基本解释


形容词合适的; 订做的; 有…设备的; 按实物尺寸做的

动词适应(fit的过去分词); 合适; 为…提供设备; 相配,属于

fitted 相关例句


1. Is the taxi fitted with a car radio?

fitted 网络解释

1. 合身的:fitout 准备 | fitted 合身的 | fitter 适当的

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 合身的,按实物尺寸做的:Exceed 过载,超载 | Fit 适合,恰当 | Fitted 合身的,按实物尺寸做的

3. fitted

3. 配备的:装备的equipped | 配备的fitted | (冲床)冲出的punched-out

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4. 拟合值:Fisher information,费雪信息量 | Fitted ,拟合值 | Fitting a curve,曲线拟合

fitted 词典解释

1. 紧身的;收身的;合身的
    A fitted piece of clothing is designed so that it is the same size and shape as your body rather than being loose.


    e.g. ...baggy trousers with fitted jackets.

2. (家具)定做的,配制的
    A fitted piece of furniture, for example a cupboard, is designed to fill a particular space and is fixed in place.

    e.g. I've re-carpeted our bedroom and added fitted wardrobes.

3. (地毯)铺满房间的,定做的,大小合适的
    A fitted carpet is cut to the same shape as a room so that it covers the floor completely.

    e.g. ...fitted carpets, central heating and double glazing.

4. (床单)大小合适的,按尺寸缝边的
    A fitted sheet has the corners sewn so that they fit over the corners of the mattress and do not have to be folded.

5. 合适的;有能力的;胜任的
    A person who is fitted to do something or fitted for something has the right qualities for it.


    e.g. Helen was ill fitted to fulfil her daughter's ideal of a gentle mother-figure.

6. (房间)配有,装有
    If a room is fitted with objects, those objects are in the room and are normally fixed in place.

    e.g. Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.

fitted 单语例句

1. The penguin also has been fitted with a transponder chip under his skin, similar to those used to identify household cats and dogs.

2. The Shanghai Taxi Control Centre is slated to start operating next year as taxis are gradually fitted with the GPS units.

3. Customers say their computers were fitted with cheaper, lower quality processors than advertised and accuse Dell of deliberate fraud.

4. Many of them are not fitted with desulfurization systems so are discharging considerable amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

5. They also visited two demonstration power plants fitted with advanced desulphurization facilities.

6. The dining room is up a narrow set of stairs and fitted with plenty of booth seating.

7. Lam's edgy but wearable runway at a downtown venue included black lambskin halter tops and a fitted black leather dress with a pleated hem.

8. Like Perez before him Petrov was essentially unharmed and Vettel - now fitted with fresh tires - cantered to the finish line.

9. A Hanover Medical School team monitored air quality in three cars between five and 10 years old that had been fitted with air conditioning.

10. Prosecutors said the gang supplied food and water to the immigrants and fitted the container with fans to provide air.

fitted 英英释义


1. being the right size and shape to fit as desired

    e.g. a fitted overcoat
           he quickly assembled the fitted pieces

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