
flake是什么意思 flake在线翻译 flake什么意思 flake的意思 flake的翻译 flake的解释 flake的发音 flake的同义词 flake的反义词 flake的例句

flake [fleɪk]  [flek] 


flake 基本解释

名词小薄片,(尤指)碎片; 火星,火花; 晒鱼架,食品搁架; 昏过去,不省人事



flake 相关词组


1. flake out : 昏倒;

flake 相关例句


1. flake

1. Sawdust flaked the floor.


1. An old lady flaked out on the sidewalk.

2. flake在线翻译

2. The paint was flaking off the walls.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. He flaked out soon after the film began.


1. Snow is falling in large flakes.

flake 网络解释

1. 雪花:助记:飞在边缘(edge)是小鸟(fledging),飞入湖(lake)中是雪花(flake),飞在空中(air)是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑(aunt)在炫耀(flaunt),锁(lock)到一起是一群(flock),飞出去(out)就遭到蔑视(),后(late)飞来的却在溜须拍马(flatter),

2. flake是什么意思

2. 片:黄豆产品及其制造一般来说,黄豆产品的制造步骤如下:先把黄豆壳(hull)去除,再把剩下的豆子滚压成薄片(flake),然后以溶剂去油,回收粗萃取的油,再经水合作用(hydration)沉淀掉卵磷脂后,形成更浓稠的黄豆油.

3. flake在线翻译

3. 片状:这是烟草经压饼熟成后,只裁切成薄片状(Flake)的原因之一;其次,由于容许对烟草进行更自主、更进一步的处理,所以,对燃烧速度,甚至风味的控制度,会相应更高.

flake 词典解释

1. 小薄片;(尤指)碎片
    A flake is a small thin piece of something, especially one that has broken off a larger piece.

    e.g. ...flakes of paint...
    e.g. Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.

2. (油漆等)剥落,脱落
    If something such as paint flakes, small thin pieces of it come off.

    e.g. They can see how its colours have faded and where paint has flaked.

3. (食物)变成薄片;把…切成薄片
    If a food such as fish flakes, or if you flake it, it breaks into small thin pieces.

    e.g. Fry until the fish flakes...
    e.g. Skin, bone and flake the fish.

4. (疲倦得)倒下,睡下,完全放松
    If you flake out, you collapse, go to sleep, or totally relax because you are very tired.

    e.g. If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket...
    e.g. Ireland is not for you if you want to flake out on a beach.

相关词组:flake offflake out

flake 单语例句


1. Early versions of the dish were cooked in soup to make soup cake, like the early Tom Shanxi sliced bread flake dish.

2. This March 2008 photo provided by Melissa McIntire shows a corn flake next to a dime.

3. This isn't the first corn flake that Kerr has tried to buy.

4. He said he purchased a flake billed as the world's largest, but that by the time it was delivered it had crumbled into three pieces.

5. Place the sea salt crystals on a little saucer and place a flake or two on each oyster.

flake 英英释义


1. a small fragment of something broken off from the whole

    e.g. a bit of rock caught him in the eye

    Synonym: bitchipfleckscrap

2. a person with an unusual or odd personality

    Synonym: eccentriceccentric personoddballgeek

3. a crystal of snow

    Synonym: snowflake


1. come off in flakes or thin small pieces

    e.g. The paint in my house is peeling off

    Synonym: peel offpeelflake off

2. cover with flakes or as if with flakes

3. form into flakes

    e.g. The substances started to flake

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