
flash bulb是什么意思 flash bulb在线翻译 flash bulb什么意思 flash bulb的意思 flash bulb的翻译 flash bulb的解释 flash bulb的发音 flash bulb的同义词

flash bulb [flæʃ bʌlb]  [flæʃ bʌlb] 

flash bulb 基本解释


flash bulb 网络解释

1. flash bulb的反义词

1. 闪光泡:闪光泡(flash bulb)是德国人于1929年发明的,1930年美国通用电器公司购买了该专利并开始大规模生产一次性闪光泡,同时使用一次性闪光泡的闪光泡灯也就诞生了.

2. 闪光胆:flash 闪光 | flash bulb 闪光胆 | flash exposure guide number 闪光灯曝光指数

3. 镁光灯:flash boiler 快热锅炉 | flash bulb 镁光灯 | flash butt welding 对接闪光焊

flash bulb 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. If we have a flash - bulb attachment we can also take pictures at night.

2. flash bulb是什么意思

2. What I wanna kiss is your face under the flash bulb.

3. Photo by flash and bulb at the moon night with some scenery.

4. For photographing with a flash bulb, a manual diaphragm setting in the range of 2.8 to 16 is provided.

5. flash bulb在线翻译

5. When his eyes locked on mine, I saw the light bulb flash overhead as a grin spread across his face.

6. flash bulb

6. There was a brilliant flash of light from a bulb by the wedding photographer.

7. There was a brilliant flash of light form a bulb by the wedding photographer.

8. Produces the red flash under the computer F-V signal function which supple gently changes, in the start process electric current is smaller than the normal work electric current, the voltage imitates 20V to start gradually to elevate until 220V, completely has avoided to the photosource electricity impact; The digital electric circuit board installs the radiator, the light bulb service life may enhance above three times; Canada supposes the lightning protector, further enhances the lamp equipment the service life.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. A glass bulb filled with finely shredded aluminum or magnesium foil that is ignited by electricity to produce a short-duration high-intensity light flash for taking photographs.

10. flash bulb的反义词

10. Filament electric bulb for portable flash-lights, battery or magneto lamps I want to buy some flash bulbs.

11. Self-contained portable electric lamp flash light bulb

12. A street, table, bicycle lamp flash light bulb

13. There was a startled look on his face when the flash bulb went off.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. It`s got a bulb mode, which keeps the shutter open as long as you hold the trigger down, and a lomo flash: twist the end of the flash to select different color gel filters, creating some cool effects.

15. Flash, photoflash, flash lamp, flashgun, flash bulb flashcube

16. So far, the market network of LED spot light, LED bulb lamp, LED channel light, LED rope light, LED tube light, LED web light, LED water-proof module, High power LED light and our duke flash LED has far melted all over the world (America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Korea, Africa).

17. This Corporation relies on the basis of production for festival decorative lamp, LED lighting product over past ten years, currently producing and gradually perfecting following LED serial product, named as rainbow tube, fence-guard profile lamp, advertisement screen with full-color intelligent digital lamp, T5 lamp, colorful zone wall, pixel display screen, big-power spot light, LED table lamp, big-power projection lamp, spot light-source series, wall-filled lamp series, crystal transprarent lamp, LED epoxy pixel lamp strip, ceiling curtain wall lamp, lamp cup, bulb, crystal honeycomb bulb, crystal lamp cluster series, underwater lamp, underground lamp, ceramic tile lamp, illuminant module with advertisement sign, rainbow lamp picture modeling light series, staring lamp, net-shape lamp, curtain lamp and Christmas lamp cluster; along with LED light-explosive lamp, flash-frequent bulb series and fuse light strip; this Corporation also produces LED full-color display control system, LED solar lawn lamp, LED serial lighting component and optical fiber and lighting resource generator series.

flash bulb 英英释义

flash bulb的解释


1. a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph

    Synonym: flashphotoflashflash lampflashgunflashbulb

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