
flash是什么意思 flash在线翻译 flash什么意思 flash的意思 flash的翻译 flash的解释 flash的发音 flash的同义词 flash的反义词 flash的例句

flash [flæʃ]  [flæʃ] 


flash 基本解释

及物/不及物动词使闪光,使闪烁; 拍出,发出(电报等); 〈口〉炫耀

名词闪光; 闪光灯下摄成的照片; 一瞬间; 浮华

形容词闪光的,闪耀的,一闪而过的; 浮华的; 庞大的

flash 相关词组

1. in a flash : 瞬间;

flash 相关例句


1. Why is that driver flashing his lights at me?

2. The cars flashed past.


1. A car flashed by.


1. A flash of grief came upon her when she heard the news.

2. There was a flash of lightning a moment ago.

flash 网络解释

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1. 闪客:凡有人群处,就有其尊崇的文化方式,近年来更由于 网络 的盛行, 形成更加多样的的 新文化 :黑客(Hacker)文化、 博客(Blog)文化 、闪客(Flash)文化、以及奇客(Greek)文化 等等,这些文化之间又互有交集.

flash 词典解释

1. 闪耀;闪光
    A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright.

    e.g. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second...
    e.g. The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused...

2. (使)闪光,(使)闪耀;(尤指)频闪
    If a light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular flashes of light.

    e.g. Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds...
    e.g. He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook...

3. 突发;忽然的一阵
    You talk about a flash of something when you are saying that it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly.

    e.g. 'What did Moira tell you?' Liz demanded with a flash of anger...
    e.g. When pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed...

4. 飞快移动;飞驰;掠过
    If something flashes past or by, it moves past you so fast that you cannot see it properly.

    e.g. It was a busy road, cars flashed by every few minutes.
    e.g. ...the ball flashed across the face of the goal.

5. 突然闪过(脑海)
    If something flashes through or into your mind, you suddenly think about it.

    e.g. A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind...
    e.g. Those lines of Milton flashed into my mind.

6. 一晃亮出;快速出示
    If you flash something such as an identity card, you show it to people quickly and then put it away again.

    e.g. Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover.

7. (使)闪现;(使)出现;(使)显示
    If a picture or message flashes up on a screen, or if you flash it onto a screen, it is displayed there briefly or suddenly, and often repeatedly.

    e.g. The figures flash up on the scoreboard...
    e.g. The words 'Good Luck' were flashing on the screen...

8. (通过计算机、卫星或其他系统)快速发送,迅速播出,传送
    If you flash news or information to a place, you send it there quickly by computer, satellite, or other system.

    e.g. They had told their offices to flash the news as soon as it broke...
    e.g. This is, of course, international news and soon it was being flashed around the world.

9. 瞥(一眼);投之(一笑)
    If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them.

    e.g. I flashed a look at Sue...
    e.g. Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile.

10. (眼睛尤因气愤)发光,发亮
    If someone's eyes flash, they suddenly show a strong emotion, especially anger.

    e.g. Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly.

11. (摄影时的)闪光灯
      Flash is the use of special bulbs to give more light when taking a photograph.


      e.g. He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.

12. 同 flashlight
      A flash is the same as a flashlight .


      e.g. Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash.

13. 奢华的;时髦的;新潮的
      If you describe something as flash, you mean that it looks expensive, fashionable, and new.

      e.g. ...a flash uptown restaurant...
      e.g. You can go for a 'rostrum' system, which sounds flash, but can be assembled quite cheaply.

14. 昙花一现
      If you describe an achievement or success as a flash in the pan, you mean that it is unlikely to be repeated and is not an indication of future achievements or success.

      e.g. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan.

15. 转瞬;一瞬间
      If you say that something happens in a flash, you mean that it happens suddenly and lasts only a very short time.

      e.g. The answer had come to him in a flash...
      e.g. It was done in a flash.

16. (反应)飞快,迅速
      If you say that someone reacts to something quick as a flash, you mean that they react to it extremely quickly.


      e.g. Quick as a flash, the man said, 'I have to, don't I?'

17. 突然记起;猛然想起;忽地记起
      If your mind flashes back to something in the past, you remember it or think of it briefly or suddenly.

      e.g. His mind kept flashing back to the previous night...
      e.g. Thoughts inevitably flash back to 1914, when trouble in this part of the Balkans led all the way to world war.

相关词组:flash back

flash 单语例句


1. His sweet potatoes vanished in a flash while almost no one bought his cabbage or white radish.

2. Approximately two hours after entering the canyon, a flash flood swept many of the hikers into a waterway.

3. What can you do with a flash memory card other than saving files, music and pictures?

4. To thwart piracy, the machine uses a flash memory card to which games can be downloaded in stores.

5. Not all consumers are quite so flash with their cash, but many still want the quality and superior design that Western brands offer.

6. When Castle and Kable finally meet up there is a flash of the ironic wit that makes Hall so effective on Dexter.

7. When a man with a mobile phone is spotted lurking in the shadows, things go from tense to chaotic in a flash.

8. We started our meal with flash smoked salmon and nuta sauce, one of chef Hiro's signature dishes that are available around the year.

9. It is already the trend that flash disks are replacing the clumsy floppy disks.

10. When Carter is dumped by Sophia in a North Hollywood coffee shop, he sees his entire life flash before his eyes.

flash 英英释义


1. a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph

    Synonym: photoflashflash lampflashgunflashbulbflash bulb

2. a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification

    e.g. red flashes adorned the airplane
           a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to

3. a momentary brightness

4. a sudden brilliant understanding

    e.g. he had a flash of intuition

5. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story

    Synonym: news bulletinnewsflashnewsbreak

6. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate

    Synonym: flare

7. a gaudy outward display

    Synonym: ostentationfanfare

8. a short vivid experience

    e.g. a flash of emotion swept over him
           the flashings of pain were a warning

    Synonym: flashing

9. a sudden intense burst of radiant energy

10. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)

    e.g. if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash

    Synonym: blink of an eyeheartbeatinstantjiffysplit secondtricetwinklingwinkNew York minute


1. appear briefly

    e.g. The headlines flashed on the screen

2. emit a brief burst of light

    e.g. A shooting star flashed and was gone

3. make known or cause to appear with great speed

    e.g. The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts

4. protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal

    e.g. flash the roof

5. run or move very quickly or hastily

    e.g. She dashed into the yard

    Synonym: dartdashscootscudshoot

6. expose or show briefly

    e.g. he flashed a $100 bill

7. display proudly
    act ostentatiously or pretentiously

    e.g. he showed off his new sports car

    Synonym: flauntshow offostentateswank

8. gleam or glow intermittently

    e.g. The lights were flashing

    Synonym: blinkwinktwinklewinkle


1. tastelessly showy

    e.g. a flash car
           a flashy ring
           garish colors
           a gaudy costume
           loud sport shirts
           a meretricious yet stylish book
           tawdry ornaments

    Synonym: brassycheapflashygarishgaudygimcrackloudmeretricioustackytattytawdrytrashy

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