
flawless是什么意思 flawless在线翻译 flawless什么意思 flawless的意思 flawless的翻译 flawless的解释 flawless的发音 flawless的同义词

flawless [ˈflɔ:ləs]  [ˈflɔlɪs] 

flawless 基本解释

形容词无瑕的,完美无缺的; 无疵可寻; 无瑕可谪; 无疵

flawless 相关例句


1. Her composition is flawless.

flawless 网络解释

1. (完美无瑕):再看看2008年,黛米.摩尔(Demi Moore)以及英国老牌巨星迈克尔.凯恩(Michael Caine)已经在<<完美无瑕>>(Flawless)中联手实施了偷盗伦敦钻石公司的计划;杰森.斯坦森(Jason Statham)亦被拉入伙执行一次<<银行大劫案>>(The Bank Job

2. flawless在线翻译

2. 完美无暇:而算是主角之一的旺达.德.杰索斯,以前只是曾和罗伯特.德.尼罗合作过<<完美无暇>>(Flawless),并在<<火星幽灵>>(John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars)中出演过小角色.

3. 天衣无缝:看过一部<<足迹>>(Sleuth),找来了Jude Law和Michael Caine(<<天衣无缝>>(Flawless)那老头子),俩够份量了吧?因为就拍在一房子里的故事,再好的演员也看著单调. 还有部好评如潮的烂片:<<心慌方>>(Cube),几个人莫名其妙地被关在一个方盒子里拚命逃离,

4. 无瑕疵的:宝石和头骨是<<黑暗破坏神2>>中的罕见物品,共分七类,每类有五个等级,即碎片的(Chipped)、有瑕疵的(Flawed)、一般的(没有任何修饰词)、无瑕疵的(Flawless)、完美的(Perfect).

flawless 词典解释

1. 完美的;无瑕的;无可挑剔的
    If you say that something or someone is flawless, you mean that they are extremely good and that there are no faults or problems with them.

    e.g. She attributed her flawless complexion to the moisturiser she used...
    e.g. Discovery's takeoff this morning from Cape Canaveral was flawless.

Each stage of the battle was carried off flawlessly.

flawless 单语例句

1. I used to be a carpenter, and I always tried my best to make furniture flawless.

2. The lavishly wealthy tycoon and his club finally became heroes in Chinese soccer after a nearly flawless debut in the AFC Champions League on Wednesday.

3. Those who buy the Flawless Love ring during the Qixi period can enjoy a 23 percent discount.

4. This pursuit of flawless quality and united family spirit distinguished Tongrentang from many other competitors and it became the incomparable No 1 in the industry.

5. Two glitches in Spirit's otherwise flawless performance have delayed the rover's first drive off the lander by three days.

6. For a flawless finish, set with a light dusting of Sheer Finish Pressed Powder.

7. It is very hard to hand pick flawless stones, and using tools such as dynamite is forbidden.

8. The book succeeds in building a near flawless plot of government surveillance of digital information against the institution of civil liberties and ethics.

9. " Crawford has flawless looks because of Botox injections and an eyebrow lift, " says a source.

10. " It was a flawless firing, " said NASA spokeswoman Lynnette Madison.

flawless 英英释义


1. without a flaw

    e.g. a flawless gemstone

    Synonym: unflawed

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