
flood lamp是什么意思 flood lamp在线翻译 flood lamp什么意思 flood lamp的意思 flood lamp的翻译 flood lamp的解释 flood lamp的发音 flood lamp的同义词

flood lamp[flʌd læmp] 

flood lamp 基本解释


flood lamp 网络解释

1. 泛光灯:flong paper 纸型用纸 | flood lamp 泛光灯 | flood and suction valve 注吸阀

2. 落地灯:浮点例程 floating-point routine | 落地灯 flood lamp | 泛光;泛光灯;探照灯 flood light

flood lamp 双语例句

1. Temperature Motor at correct step Motor slow speed Wafer presence before oven Wafer presence after oven Output status Green lamp cycle start Blue lamp cycle reset Enable heating Enable power zone A 6-3 machine timers Camera delay time Conveyors belt running rime Enable/disable table vacuum Up/down flood squeegee delay Disable load suckers vacuum Detach magazine pieces blow air time Load suckers down delay
    焦炉最高。温度汽车在正确的一步汽车速度慢晶圆存在之前,烤箱晶圆存在后,烤箱输出状态绿色灯周期的开始蓝灯周期重置使暖气使电力A区 6月3日机定时器相机延迟时间输送带带运行rime 启用/禁用表真空向上/向下防洪刮延误禁用负载吸孔真空分离杂志件,打击空中的时间负载吸孔延迟

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Flood light, flood lamp, outdoor light, ..

3. Our company produce all kinds of, road lights, portfolio lights, Garden lights, Landscape, lawn lamp, flood lights, buried lights, adjustable cone-shaped poles as well as ancillary appliances, such as wire and cable.

4. The newly promoted Hileo 3 ultra thin and energy saving flood lamp is the new product with independent intellectual property right with several new technologies integration, which has filled the blank at home and lead the new trend of environment protective and energy saving flood lighting.

5. The light illuminated by the LED can light the whole bottle so Bottle Light can be used as a flood light lamp (different colors are available for choices), which can be used at parties and vocal recitals to render the happy atmosphere.
    Down 档:底部 LED 亮起,LED 发出的光将整个瓶子照亮,充当一个泛光灯使用在 PARTY、演唱会上可用它来渲染欢乐气氛,同时也可以将它作为信号灯使用。

6. flood lamp

6. The products include ultra thin and energy saving flood lamp, high power energy saving lamp, T5 fluorescent lamp bracket and industrial and mine lamp, altogether 4 series and several hundreds of varieties, which keeps leading in the industrial lighting and big advertisement lighting industries at home, and provides quality lighting products and application solutions for clients.

7. Established in 2000, Ninghai forlux Electronics Co., Ltd. is specialized in producing street lamp, yard lawn lamp, mineral and industrial flood light, tunnel lamp, buried lamp, aluminum die casting equipment and advanced mould design and pienty of special technicians who have rich experience.

8. Mainly engages in LED lighting, LED illumination and LED display series products: elastic glowing strip, glowing module, spot lamp, ball lamp, hurdle lamp, lawn lamp, pool lamp, flood lamp, pole lamp, courtyard lamp, sun-powered lamp, ground board lamp, wall lamp and the controller.
    主要经营范围涵盖 LED 单管、LED 照明、LED 灯饰和 LED 显示领域:纯白、纯蓝、纯绿、纯紫及大功率 LED ;灯杯,灯泡,护栏管,水底灯,泛光灯,地板灯,彩虹管等 LED 照明灯饰产品;幕墙灯,显示屏及控制系统。

9. And rainbow fragrant ball, crystal soil, circular bead, emergency flood control sandbag, lavender eyeshade, oscillate cold-misting aerosol dispensers, deodorant, aroma night lamp, indoors fragrance and fume and fragrant thing.
    彩虹香球,水晶土,圆形珠子,紧急防洪沙袋,薰衣草eyeshade ,振荡冷雾化喷雾器,除臭剂,香味夜间灯,室内的香味,油烟及香喷喷的事。

10. YongCai Lighting Factory - outdoor plant lamp, pineapple tree lamp, bamboo lamp, prickly pear lamp, firework lamp, large landscape lamp, high-pole lamp, street lamp, courtyard lamp, lawn lamp, light pattern, LED icicle, cactus series, imitation plant tree light, cherry light, color tree lamp, firework lamp, high pole lamp, streetlight lamp, landscape lamp, garden lamp, solar lamp, lawn lamp, sound box lamp, wall lamp, down lamp, flood light, traffic light, LED lamp, digital lamp

11. flood lamp

11. Cargo flood light a lamp that burns illuminating gas.

12. The basic principles of flood lighting for buildings are enumerated, such as determination of scheme, fixing of lamp position, selection of lighting source, enrichment of unity and coherence, flexible control, reasonable investment, energy saving etc.

flood lamp 英英释义

flood lamp的近义词


1. light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam
    used in photography

    Synonym: floodfloodlightphotoflood

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