
forehead是什么意思 forehead在线翻译 forehead什么意思 forehead的意思 forehead的翻译 forehead的解释 forehead的发音 forehead的同义词

forehead [ˈfɔ:hed]  [ˈfɔ:rhed] 


forehead 基本解释

名词额; 前部

forehead 网络解释

1. 前额:须鲸为摄食的习惯,头部亦改变了型态,如前额(forehead)的扩大,可能是为了承受滤食时嘴部张合对头部及下颚骨的巨大压力、为承载吞食时进入体内的大量海水,喉腹褶因而形成.

2. 额:然而请注意,被这些组织者诱导的最后的结构,如额(forehead)或次级的头和躯干,可能仅仅由初级诱导信号所启始,然后接着发生许多事件来实现这些复杂的结构.

3. 脑门子:平直的造型会使脸型的下颌( Chin )彷佛很是锋利(Pointy)在脑门子( Forehead )创造宽度在颊骨( Cheekbones )削减宽度. 倘使有高又狭小的(Narrower)脑门子,可以在眉毛( Brow )上剪高条理的浏海,使脑门子感觉更短 、更窄.

forehead 词典解释

1. 前额;额头
    Your forehead is the area at the front of your head between your eyebrows and your hair.


forehead 单语例句

1. He was clumsy with the hoe and wiped forehead sweat with the sleeve of his national team jersey.

2. Creases have appeared on his forehead now and he has been regularly visited by injuries, but those major championships still haven't come along with them.

3. He got a cut on his forehead last year, during an unexpected attack.

4. He presents Justice Bao with just a daub of white paint on his forehead, but even so still manages to steal the stage.

5. At men's dormitory No 16, supervisors and volunteers pointed electronic thermometers to the forehead of each student returning from lunch.

6. His forehead was dripping with sweat after climbing the short flight of stairs.

7. Instead of a whole face, the mask for Nuo dance is made up of only a forehead and mouth.

8. " No pain, no gain " should be tattooed on his forehead.

9. He puts his palms together - clutching three incense sticks - raises them to his forehead and bows to each of the temple's four sides.

10. Sears Tower officials have said the inspiration for the balconies came from the hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind on Skydeck windows every week.

forehead 英英释义


1. the large cranial bone forming the front part of the cranium: includes the upper part of the orbits

    Synonym: frontal boneos frontale

2. the part of the face above the eyes

    Synonym: brow

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