
foreign是什么意思 foreign在线翻译 foreign什么意思 foreign的意思 foreign的翻译 foreign的解释 foreign的发音 foreign的同义词 foreign的反义词

foreign [ˈfɒrən]  [ˈfɔ:rən] 

foreign 基本解释

形容词外国的,外交的; 外来的; 不相干的; [医]异质的

foreign 同义词


foreign 反义词

foreign 情景对话


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?


B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?

C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.



A:Good afternoon. May I help you?

B:Yes. Could you change some RMB into American dollars for me?

A:Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change?

B:Ten thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is the exchange rate for American currency today?

A:According to the present rate, one US. Dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.6 Chinese yuan.

B:OK, here are the ten thousand yuan.


A:Would you please show me your passport?

B:Here you are.

A:Thank you. You'll have it right away. Will you please sign your name on this exchange memo? Here is your money. Please check it. Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America.


B:Thank you. What exactly should I do with the Foreign Exchange Certificates left with me?


A:You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station.

B:Thank you.

A:You are welcome.


A:Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration?


B:Yes. Here you are.


A:You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.

B:That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities.


A:What type of visa have you got?

B:I have a tourist visa.

A:Would you mind opening your suitcase?


B:Not at all. Check it, please.

A:Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?


B:OK. I'll do as you say.


A:Have you filled in the baggage declaration?

B:No. I really don't know how to go about it.

A:Do you have anything to declare for customs?


B:No. I have nothing to declare.


A:How long are you going to stay here?


B:About one month. I'm just sightseeing.

A:Have you anything dutiable?

B:No, these are only personal effects.Is that all for customs formalities?

A:Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.

foreign 网络解释

1. 外:各国代表队可以随队带有他们自己的牧师,但是在过去的历届奥运会,许多国家队的正式组成人员中并不包含牧师、而是依赖主办国会提供境外(foreign)牧师......

foreign 词典解释

1. 外国的;来自国外的
    Something or someone that is foreign comes from or relates to a country that is not your own.


    e.g. ...in Frankfurt, where a quarter of the population is foreign...
    e.g. She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.

2. 外交的;外国的;对外的
    In politics and journalism, foreign is used to describe people, jobs, and activities relating to countries that are not the country of the person or government concerned.


    e.g. ...the German foreign minister...
    e.g. I am the foreign correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.

3. 异质的;外来的
    A foreign object is something that has got into something else, usually by accident, and should not be there.

    e.g. The patient's immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.

4. 陌生的;不熟悉的;非典型的
    Something that is foreign to a particular person or thing is not typical of them or is unknown to them.

    e.g. The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools...
    e.g. The whole thing is foreign to us.

foreign 单语例句

1. Foreign business schools dominate the top end of the market, and the majority of Chinese business schools are at the bottom of the pyramid.

2. China also sometimes requires foreign companies seeking to do business in the country to take on a local firm as a partner.

3. Foreign advertising agencies must forge closer understanding of local business culture to stay in the game.

4. Learning a foreign language has become a serious business for people in China - not least for its leading figures.

5. She was responding to complaints from foreign lawyers that China should open the market wider and relax restrictions on their business including practicing law.

6. Qin also reiterated that foreign Internet operators should respect Chinese law while doing business in the country.

7. The Beijing municipal government yesterday denied reports in the foreign media that said it had stopped issuing official invitation letters for business visas to foreigners.

8. This development has helped the domestic banks to expand their loan portfolios to multinationals and provided a business boost for foreign banks operating in China.

9. Insiders also believe foreign investors bring new business methods to China, enhancing the entire industry.

10. Oslo Chamber of Commerce is an independent business organization that offers extensive assistance to both local and foreign companies.

foreign 英英释义


1. relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world

    e.g. foreign nations
           a foreign accent
           on business in a foreign city

    Synonym: strange

2. of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own)

    e.g. foreign trade
           a foreign office

3. not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something

    e.g. an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism
           the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper
           jealousy is foreign to her nature

    Synonym: alien

4. not belonging to that in which it is contained
    introduced from an outside source

    e.g. water free of extraneous matter
           foreign particles in milk

    Synonym: extraneous

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