
fortification是什么意思 fortification在线翻译 fortification什么意思 fortification的意思 fortification的翻译 fortification的解释 fortification的发音

fortification [ˌfɔ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌfɔ:rtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 


fortification 基本解释

名词防御工事; 筑垒,设防

fortification 网络解释

1. fortification是什么意思

1. 强化:他说,理事会原则上已同意这项建议,他希望此建议能在明年初提呈给内阁,以尽快落实强化(fortification)面粉的铁质及叶酸成份的建议. 廖中莱说,卫生部与博大在巴生河流域一带展开的调查显示,大马快餐的反式脂肪酸(TFA)含量非常低,

2. 加强,强化:foot-and-mouth disease virus 口蹄疫病毒 | fortification 加强,强化 | fresh water crab 河蟹

3. 筑城:筑巢nidificatenidificationnidify | 筑城fortification | 筑城术vallation

4. 防御工事:hand over 交出 | fortification 防御工事 | air base 空军基地

fortification 词典解释

1. 堡垒;要塞;防御工事
    Fortifications are buildings, walls, or ditches that are built to protect a place and make it more difficult to attack.

    e.g. The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border.

fortification 单语例句

1. The fortification was designed by a German invited by the Qing Imperial Court.

2. The stretch includes a gate under water, a fortification with 72 rooms and towers that each hold their own legends.

3. The project involves restoring the remains of an ancient fortification, strikingly similar to Roman defense structures and covering about one square kilometer.

4. The fortification with its bastions and ramparts is an early example of Renaissance military design.

5. I think the site is of national importance because it is an intact example of a Ming fortification.

6. All scientific studies of such interventions prove that fortification of basic foodstuffs works.

7. But Qin said that the degree of damage to the fortification is so severe that it can't be restored.

8. The path up the hill is intersected with many steep slopes that serve as fortification.

9. Nutrient supplementation and fortification of foods are the major strategies to control micronutrient deficiencies.

10. There also are the North Gate and South Great Wall both excellent examples of municipal fortification.

fortification 英英释义



1. the addition of an ingredient for the purpose of enrichment (as the addition of alcohol to wine or the addition of vitamins to food)

2. defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it

    Synonym: munition

3. the art or science of strengthening defenses

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