
founder是什么意思 founder在线翻译 founder什么意思 founder的意思 founder的翻译 founder的解释 founder的发音 founder的同义词 founder的反义词

founder [ˈfaʊndə(r)]  [ˈfaʊndɚ] 


founder 基本解释


不及物动词失败; 倒塌; 沉没:沉到水下; 摔倒:跌倒

及物动词破坏; 使摔倒; 使沉没

名词创始人; 建立者; 翻砂工; 蹄叶炎

founder 相关例句


1. Without their assistance the arrangement would have foundered pretty quickly.

2. The plan foundered for lack of support.

3. The ship foundered in the heavy seas.


1. He is the founder of the club.

founder 网络解释

1. [创办人]:所有这种上市的创业板公司的创办人(founder)都要有这种创办人股份(founder stock), 因为这个项目他们已经投资几千万元做了研发, 那前期投进去几千万的人和做研究的人是承担很大风险的, 一般他们都有几十万或者上百万的这种founder stock,

founder 词典解释

1. 创办人;创立者;奠基者
    The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money.

    e.g. He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.

2. 失败;崩溃;垮掉
    If something such as a plan or project founders, it fails because of a particular point, difficulty, or problem.


    e.g. The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals.

3. (船只)沉没
    If a ship founders, it fills with water and sinks.

    e.g. Three ships foundered in heavy seas.

founder 单语例句

1. The Pharmaceutical industry has become Founder's second largest business sector after its IT business.

2. A Founder's Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 reduces the spiciness but enhances the flavor of boiled grass carp in spicy soup.

3. The company's current Chairman David Li is one of the founder's grandsons.

4. It was started in 1985 by Geoffrey Moore, founder of the ECRI and once a mentor to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan.

5. Shanghai Cheongsam Salon founder Wang Weiyu displays her qipao collection at her home in Shanghai.

6. It's all run by Pussycat Dolls founder and chief choreographer Robin Antin, who judges along with Lil'Kim and Geffen Records chairman Ron Fair.

7. She found her apartment after sending a Twitter message to the founder of the Midnight Brunch supper club.

8. British Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers deemed the collection in keeping with the iconic label's founder Coco Chanel's classic and chic aesthetic.

9. He also turned to Fan Jianchuan, a collector and private museum founder to search among his extensive collection for items.

10. IBM said its scientists have been working for nearly two years on an advanced computing system codenamed " Watson " - after IBM founder Thomas Watson.

founder 英英释义



1. a person who founds or establishes some institution

    e.g. George Washington is the father of his country

    Synonym: beginnerfounding fatherfather

2. a worker who makes metal castings

3. inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse

    Synonym: laminitis


1. stumble and nearly fall

    e.g. the horses foundered

2. break down, literally or metaphorically

    e.g. The wall collapsed
           The business collapsed
           The dam broke
           The roof collapsed
           The wall gave in
           The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

    Synonym: collapsefall incave ingivegive waybreak

3. sink below the surface

4. fail utterly

    e.g. The project foundered

    Synonym: fall throughfall flatflop

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