
freeway是什么意思 freeway在线翻译 freeway什么意思 freeway的意思 freeway的翻译 freeway的解释 freeway的发音 freeway的同义词 freeway的反义词

freeway [ˈfri:weɪ]  [ˈfriˌwe] 


freeway 基本解释

名词高速公路; 快车道

freeway 网络解释

1. 高速:昨天从机场回来, 走的是小高速(Freeway). 汽车很多,但排放的尾气很轻微,所以空气很清新的,与北京 形成强烈的对比. 环境好的主要标志树多、草多、花多. 来之前曾听说这里城市里根本见 不到土地,那也太绝对了,但是由于周围的花草树木多,

2. 飞韵:作为中国汽车影音行业知名品牌的飞韵(FREEWAY)也参加了此次交易会. 会场上前来飞韵展位咨询、参观的客商络绎不绝,使得飞韵品牌的知名度在全国各地消费者心目中进一步扩大,同时也增强了飞韵在中国汽车影音行业的影响力度.

freeway 词典解释

1. 高速公路
    A freeway is a major road that has been specially built for fast travel over long distances. Freeways have several lanes and special places where traffic gets on and leaves.

    e.g. The speed limit on the freeway is 55mph.
           高速公路限速每小时 55 英里。
    e.g. ...Boston's freeway system.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 motorway

freeway 单语例句


1. The patrol says Beckham's Cadillac struck a Mitsubishi stalled in the carpool lane of the 405 Freeway in Torrance.

2. Missing freeway links between provinces are preventing the rapidly expanding network from being world class, a leading transport expert said.

3. Both directions of the freeway connecting Tucson to Phoenix were closed for hours as crews freed the injured and dead from the tangled wreckage.

4. Sun was so incensed that he rushed to the supermarket, forced Liu into his car and began driving along the freeway at dangerously high speeds.

5. The Federal Aviation Administration says a small airplane was struck by a car just after it made an emergency landing on a California freeway.

6. Third, the existing freeway route has already avoided the Yulong River scenic spot.

7. " They use this freeway to finance other projects, " Li said.

8. The mainland will take more measures to reduce transportation costs of Taiwan agricultural produce, such as reducing or abolishing freeway charges for trucks transporting Taiwan products.

9. Organizers moved from the freeway around midnight only after receiving assurances that a political party would raise their plight in Parliament.

10. In another case in southern Shenzhen city, police held up a truck with 182 chests of pirate CDs on freeway.

freeway 英英释义



1. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic

    Synonym: expresswaymotorwaypikestate highwaysuperhighwaythroughwaythruway

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