
freight是什么意思 freight在线翻译 freight什么意思 freight的意思 freight的翻译 freight的解释 freight的发音 freight的同义词 freight的反义词

freight [freɪt]  [fret] 


freight 基本解释

名词运费; 货运,货物; 船运货物; 货运列车

及物动词运输; 装货于


freight 相关例句


1. They freighted the ship with grain.

2. It is less costly to freight merchandise than to mail it.

3. Every word the professor said was freight ed with meaning.


1. The ship is loading freight.

2. The freight is included in the account.

3. freight的翻译

3. The box came by freight.

freight 情景对话

International Trade-Shipping-(国际贸易-运输)


A:Hello, I’m calling from San Francisco for Kevin Lee.

B:This is Kevin Lee speaking.

A:Hi. This is Helen Parker calling.

B:Good morning, Helen. What can I do for you?
      早安, 海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

A:I'm calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?


B:We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.


A:How much of it do you want shipped by air?

B:We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.


A:OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?

B:Actually, we've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. I'll fax you their contact information.

A:All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.


B:That would be great.

A:I'm not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.


B:No hurry. We're not in a big rush for the second half of the order.

A:All right. I'll let you know the shipping details later and I'll send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.
      好的。我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL 快递给你。

B:Very good. We'll be expecting to hear from you. And thanks for calling.

freight 网络解释

1. freight的反义词

1. 货物:蛇(s )被吓跑山 s s 置换单位 联想 fr 法国人 法国人(fr)买了八个(eight)货物(freight) speak 说话

2. 貨:但如果所有的送货(Freight),海关(Customs)及海运费(Shipping)是由非纽西兰居民的张先生来承担的话,并且在填写纽西兰海关文件的时候,在出口商名字这一栏填写非纽西兰居民张先生名字.

freight 词典解释

1. 货运
    Freight is the movement of goods by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes.


    e.g. France derives 16% of revenue from air freight.
           法国 16%的岁入来自航空货运。

2. (货运)货物
    Freight is goods that are transported by lorries, trains, ships, or aeroplanes.


    e.g. ...26 tons of freight...
           26 吨货物
    e.g. 90% of managers wanted to see more freight carried by rail.

3. 以货运运输
    When goods are freighted, they are transported in large quantities over a long distance.

    e.g. From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.

freight 单语例句


1. China COSCO's executives remain sanguine about business prospects for this year, although analysts said sinking freight rates and higher costs would squeeze the firm.

2. The carrier has seen its volume of freight business with China increase annually by 10 per cent over the past two years.

3. World Bank figures show that China has by traffic volume the world's second business freight railway and the busiest passenger railway.

4. A Boeing 747 with an undisclosed freight shipment is set to take off in the first direct chartered cargo flight between Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

5. It will also provide freight forwarders with 45 per cent more cargo tonnage compared with one year ago.

6. The new service is expected to carry up to 10 million tons of freight a year.

7. China's railways can only cater for 3 million travelers and many lines must serve both passenger and freight transport.

8. The central bank also vowed yesterday to improve its foreign exchange management, further facilitating the freight and services trade.

9. Restrictions should be removed from chartered freight flights to achieve mutual benefit.

10. At one time, freight was unloaded and taken by wagon to nearby mines in Winston or Chloride.


freight 英英释义



1. transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates

    Synonym: freightage

2. goods carried by a large vehicle

    Synonym: cargoladingloadloadingpayloadshipmentconsignment

3. the charge for transporting something by common carrier

    e.g. we pay the freight
           the freight rate is usually cheaper

    Synonym: freightagefreight rate


1. load with goods for transportation

2. transport commercially as cargo

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