
fried是什么意思 fried在线翻译 fried什么意思 fried的意思 fried的翻译 fried的解释 fried的发音 fried的同义词 fried的反义词 fried的例句



fried 基本解释

形容词喝醉了的; 油炸的,油煎的

动词油炸,油煎( fry的过去式和过去分词 ); 皮肤晒黑

fried 情景对话


A:Is this my meal?


B:What did you order?


A:The fried scallops.


B:Oh, sorry. There must be some mistake.


A:Would you get me some more water, please?





A:Good morning. Can I help you?

B:I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up.

A:What kind of juice do you prefer, sir?

B:Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong.


A:Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee. Am I correct, sir?

B:Yes, that’s right.

A:Is there any thing else, sir?

B:No, that’s all.


A:Good morning, sir. I’ve brought the breakfast you ordered.

B:Just put it on the table, please.

A:Do you need anything else, sir?

B:No thanks. Ah, yes! Can I have some more juice for the minibar?
      没有,谢谢。 啊!可否多放一些果汁在冰箱里?

A:What kind of juice would you like, sir?

B:Tomato, orange and apple juice, please.

A:Yes, sir. I’ll get them for you right away. Would you please sign this bill first? Thank you, sir.



A:Are you ready to order?

B:Yes, we’d like to start with the fried mushroom platter, please.


A:What kind of sauce would you like with that?


B:The blue cheese, please. Could you make that without meat, by the way?


A:Sure. How about your main course?

B:I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger.


A:Would you like soup or salad with that?

B:Soup, please.

A:French fries, home fries, or mashed potatoes?


B:Hmm, I think I’ll have the home fries.

A:How about for your daughter?


B:She’ll have the four cheese omelette.


A:Does she want a two or three-egg omelette?
      她是要 2 个蛋还是3 个蛋的煎蛋卷?

B:A three-egg omelette.
      3 个蛋的煎蛋卷。


A:Whole wheat or white toast?

B:Could she substitute a muffin for that?


A:Not a problem. Blueberry or plain?



A:And what would you like to drink?

B:Two regular coffees—black—and two glasses of orange juice please.


A:Ok, I’ll bring out the mushroom platter and your drinks shortly.

fried 网络解释

1. 炒:其次推荐酥炸(DEEP FRIED)墨鱼或炒(FRIED)墨鱼. 6、位于旁老岛(Panglao)东面的Blue Sky Sea酒店. 这是一个修建在海边悬崖上的小型度假村,漂亮的海景顿时迷住了我们,从酒店露台远远望去,绵长的海岸线上分布着大大小小的白沙滩如果行程允许,

2. 炸薯条:40,炒饭 fried rice | 41,炸薯条 fried | 42,葡萄酒 wine

3. fried的意思

3. 煎:1 烹调方式 Cooking Method | fried... 煎... | deep fried... 炸(干炸)...

4. fried的近义词

4. 烂醉的:fresh 极好的 | fried 烂醉的 | fully 当然,绝对如此

fried 单语例句

1. India surpassed China as the biggest buyer of palm oil last year as rising incomes increased demand for fried and processed food.

2. The canteen operates as usual busy with teachers and students lining up for noodles and fried rice.

3. They then invite a monk to chant some prayers and to make a figure of a demon using fried flour.

4. But fried flour can be substituted with water chestnut powder or lotus root powder.

5. At Cold Stone, your " fried " ice cream comes studded with morsels that could be crunchy or chewy.

6. They are the ones who cannot help themselves around roast or fried chicken, ripping off the crispiest bits of skin before the bird makes it to the table.

7. Slices of duck breast and red chili are fried to resemble Sichuan spicy chicken.

8. There is also my husband's favorite topping - wafer thin slices of Inner Mongolian lamb fried with caramelized onion and some really hot chili strips.

9. Hot dishes feature pork pot sticker dumplings with green chili soy, fried rice with crab and egg and more.

10. The white chilli is also fried so that it does not taste spicy, but instead adds fragrance to the dish.

fried 英英释义


1. cooked by frying in fat

    Synonym: deep-fried

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