
frighten是什么意思 frighten在线翻译 frighten什么意思 frighten的意思 frighten的翻译 frighten的解释 frighten的发音 frighten的同义词

frighten [ˈfraɪtn]  [ˈfraɪtn] 


frighten 基本解释

及物动词使惊恐,使恐慌; 吓走,赶走



frighten 同义词


frighten 反义词


frighten 相关例句


1. He was frightened of the fierce dog.

2. frighten

2. He frightened off his attacker by calling for the police.

3. The ghost story frightened the child.

4. The alarm frightened the burglar away.


1. I don't frighten easily.

frighten 网络解释

1. 吓:现在我的野人掌握的有嘲笑(taunt),用以减低敌人的防护力;警告(alert)用以提升自己人的感知能力;恐吓(frighten)用以下退附近的生物. 虽然现在没有定量化的测试,但是看来野蛮人比其它角色的攻击力升级速度快,而魔法力的升级速度则要比其它人慢.

2. 惊吓:如第4(答案A)、5(答案B)、6(答案C)题,作者坐着不动 (still),因为他不想惊吓 (frighten) 生病的妹妹;父亲用镇静的 (calm) 声音说话,体现了大人临危不惧,也不想引起孩子恐慌的心理.

3. frighten的翻译

3. 吓坏:6 B 逻辑推理词义比较 Kate不可能失去(l0se)、也不会烦恼(trouble) 或伤害其妹妹,而是怕吓坏(frighten)了她而坐着不动. 7 C逻辑推理父亲和Kate一样,不会大声(loud)地、痛苦(sad)地、也没有闲情(pleasant)地说,

frighten 词典解释

1. 使惊恐;使害怕;吓唬
    If something or someone frightens you, they cause you to suddenly feel afraid, anxious, or nervous.


    e.g. He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him, so he smiled to hide his fear...
    e.g. Most children are frightened by the sight of blood.

2. 使吓得魂飞魄散;使吓破了胆
    If something frightens the life out of you, frightens the wits out of you, or frightens you out of your wits, it causes you to feel suddenly afraid or gives you a very unpleasant shock.

    e.g. Fairground rides are intended to frighten the life out of you.

3. 吓跑;吓走;把…吓得躲远
    If you frighten away a person or animal or frighten them off, you make them afraid so that they run away or stay some distance away from you.


    e.g. The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish...
    e.g. He fired into the air, hoping that the noise would frighten them off.

4. 使吓得不敢打交道(或参与)
    To frighten someone away or frighten them off means to make them nervous so that they decide not to become involved with a particular person or activity.

    e.g. Building society repossessions have frightened buyers off...
    e.g. The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors.

5. 吓得…做…
    If you frighten someone into doing something they would not normally do, you make them do it by making them afraid not to do it.

    e.g. He was a bully. He tried to frighten people into doing what he wanted.

相关词组:frighten awayfrighten intofrighten off

frighten 单语例句

1. They are by nature a timid species - a whiff of strong wind or a squeak too loud will frighten them.

2. Kern said the most horrific case involved military canine handlers using their dogs to try to frighten two Iraqi adolescents into involuntarily fouling themselves.

3. The film shows fishermen banging on poles to frighten the dolphins into a cove, where they are killed with spears.

4. Banas said harassment and stalking laws both require proof that communication was made to frighten, disturb or harass someone.

5. It is not to celebrate anything, but to frighten away wild birds from having a feast at his fish ponds.

6. A hawk is released to fly around the grounds every morning during the championships to frighten off any pigeons.

7. We are against horror scenes that frighten the audience just for fright's sake.

8. " I shot only over their heads to frighten them, " said Yang.

9. There is also a special team which patrols the runways regularly on vehicles that broadcast sounds to frighten away birds.

10. The British star has just completed new movie'The Three Musketeers'and he insists he is attracted to roles that frighten and challenge him.

frighten 英英释义


1. cause fear in

    e.g. The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me
           Ghosts could never affright her

    Synonym: frightscareaffright

2. drive out by frightening

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