
frightened是什么意思 frightened在线翻译 frightened什么意思 frightened的意思 frightened的翻译 frightened的解释 frightened的发音 frightened的同义词

frightened [ˈfraɪtnd] [ˈfraitnd] 


frightened 基本解释

形容词受惊的; 害怕的

动词(使)惊恐( frighten的过去式和过去分词); 吓唬

frightened 网络解释

1. 受惊的:对于第一次的我来说心情是有点惊慌的(alarmed),但在车上我见到了一件有趣(amused)的事情.竟然在车上有个小偷在偷东西的时候被抓到了.对于我是第一次见到这种事,那次我是感到非常惊讶的,而那个被偷的人也是非常受惊的(frightened),而那个小偷也在众

2. 害怕:在屏幕上方的建议栏(Advisors)中选劳动这一项,再单击军事(Military)一项,优先权(Prioritylevel)从1-9中选,选1. 这样即使劳动力匮乏,也会先保证服务于军事aken)、害怕(Frightened)、恐惧(Scared)、极度恐惧(Extremelyscared)和完全疯狂(T

3. frightened的意思

3. 惊恐:这面盾上的图案是第一只梅杜沙的头的形状,它会给靠近它的生物带来可怕的诅咒,所有进入该盾周围10英尺内的生物都会受到影响. 如果这些生物不能通过一次意志豁免检定(DC50)则会进入惊恐(frightened)状态. 施法者等级:25级;重量:30磅.

4. 驚嚇:与几个闹市居民聊一聊,对这个陌生的世界有个初步的了解,那个受惊吓(Frightened)的居民能提供很多信息. .如你乐意成为恶人,在确信没什么多余的有用信息后,不必对那些普通的NPC(就是像居民、妓女、暴徒这些通用的冠名)客气什么,

frightened 词典解释

1. 受惊的;害怕的
    If you are frightened, you are anxious or afraid, often because of something that has just happened or that you think may happen.

    e.g. She was frightened of flying...
    e.g. Miriam was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.

Take care not to confuse frightened and frightening.
注意不要混淆frightened 和 frightening。

frightened 单语例句

1. It is a bit like when I was learning Chinese, was only by opening my mouth and not be frightened to making mistake.

2. Villagers in a county neighboring Beijing were frightened by thousands of snakes that were released near their homes last week.

3. A Beijing resident's pet cat is able to call its own name whenever it is frightened.

4. Frightened parents scooped up their children from a Christmas carousel in the city's main square and fled.

5. I think that if there were only cars I could handle the chaotic roads, but throwing bicycles and cell phones into the mix makes me frightened.

6. A Nanjing resident fell off a bicycle and had three ribs broken after a frightened cicada struck his face.

7. The frightened cicada flew toward Wang at high speed and knocked him off his bicycle.

8. Frightened to see the Germany's Wagner conquer the opera world, the Italians were expecting a new big Italian composer and a new masterpiece.

9. Another cowherd in the village rushed to the site and frightened the tiger away, according to the police.

10. Researchers have long known that animals brought up with a lot of maternal care are less easily frightened and more adventurous.

frightened 英英释义


1. made afraid

    e.g. the frightened child cowered in the corner
           too shocked and scared to move

    Synonym: scared

2. thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation

    e.g. became panicky as the snow deepened
           felt panicked before each exam
           trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd
           the terrified horse bolted

    Synonym: panickypanickedpanic-strickenpanic-struckterrified

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