
froth是什么意思 froth在线翻译 froth什么意思 froth的意思 froth的翻译 froth的解释 froth的发音 froth的同义词 froth的反义词 froth的例句

froth [frɒθ]  [frɔ:θ] 


froth 基本解释

名词泡沫; 口边白沫; 无关紧要的小事


froth 相关例句


1. The water is frothing at his feet.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. A rabid dog may froth at the mouth.

3. Froth up the soap mixture.


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The play was little more than froth.

2. froth的近义词

2. The play was nothing but froth.

froth 网络解释

1. 泡沫:沪深A股系全球最超买嘅主要市场,正面对一次中期调整,将部分泡沫(froth)剔走,整固后或有力再升,此乃后话. 内地股市即6月开始嘅调整继续.

2. 泡沫,废物:fracture 破裂 | froth 泡沫,废物 | Fuji 富士山(在日本本州岛上的死火山)

froth 词典解释

1. (液体表面的)泡,泡沫
    Froth is a mass of small bubbles on the surface of a liquid.

    e.g. ...the froth of bubbles on the top of a glass of beer...
    e.g. The froth is blown away.

2. 起泡沫;生泡沫
    If a liquid froths, small bubbles appear on its surface.

    e.g. The sea froths over my feet...
    e.g. Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little.

3. (因非常愤怒或激动而)嘴喷唾沫,口吐白沫
    If you say that someone is frothing, or that they are frothing at the mouth, you are emphasizing that they are very angry or excited about something.

    e.g. 'No! No! Never!' he froths...
    e.g. This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.

4. 迷人但没有实际价值的事物;虚浮的东西
    If you refer to an activity or object as froth, you disapprove of it because it appears exciting or attractive, but has very little real value or importance.

    e.g. No substance at all, just froth...
    e.g. Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy.

froth 单语例句

1. Using a fork or a pair of chopsticks, gently break up the filaments in the egg white without whipping up a froth.

2. The award carries the implication that your achievement is above the froth of political correctness or power politics.

3. The last step is to add the milky froth to espresso, which he then tops with the fried almonds.

4. Skim off the froth patiently and then turn the heat down to low.

5. As the pot comes to a boil, froth and scum will float.

6. And while tech fans and politics majors froth with euphoria, the rest of us can sit back and enjoy the fun.

7. Skimming the froth from the first boil is almost a therapeutic experience, a cleansing process that calms the soul and clears the broth.

8. As the pot comes to a boil, skim off the froth patiently and then turn the heat down to low.

9. As the pot comes to a boil, skim off the froth and turn the heat down to low.

10. As the pot comes to a boil, skim off any froth.

froth 英英释义


1. a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid

    e.g. the beer had a thick head of foam

    Synonym: foam


1. exude or expel foam

    e.g. the angry man was frothing at the mouth

2. make froth or foam and become bubbly

    e.g. The river foamed

    Synonym: spumesuds

3. become bubbly or frothy or foaming

    e.g. The boiling soup was frothing
           The river was foaming
           Sparkling water

    Synonym: foamfizzeffervescesparkleform bubbles

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