
fulfil是什么意思 fulfil在线翻译 fulfil什么意思 fulfil的意思 fulfil的翻译 fulfil的解释 fulfil的发音 fulfil的同义词 fulfil的反义词 fulfil的例句


第三人称单数:fulfills; fulfils现在分词:fulfilling过去分词:fulfilled过去式:fulfilled

fulfil 基本解释


及物动词履行(条约,义务),遵守,执行(命令等); 完成(计划等),做完(工作); 达到(目的),应验(预言等),满足(希望); 使臻于完善,充分发挥潜在的能力

fulfil 相关例句


1. fulfil什么意思

1. She fulfilled all her responsibilities.

2. The task has been fulfilled.

3. This diet will fulfil your needs in food.

4. It will be a great happiness to her to fulfil her father's desire.

fulfil 网络解释

1. 履行:403响应则相反,它表明服务器能够理解我们的请求,但不知道如何履行(fulfil)它,而且服务器希望我们不要重试. 对于这些情况,我们得在响应的有效负载(payload)里寻找其他的状态迁移(链接),换其他推进状态的路线.

2. 实现:一般而言,相对於人权的国家义务可以分解为三个层面:尊重(respect)的义务、保护(protect)的义务、实现(fulfil)的义务. 尽管实现人权的义务在该法条中没有明确的表述,但国家通过积极的行动帮助公民实现人权的思想在中国宪法文本中到处可见.

3. fulfil是什么意思

3. 履行(契約),滿期:freight 運費,貨運,水上運輸 | fulfil 履行(契約),滿期 | fumigation (船)煙熏消毒

4. 实践:fugitive 逃亡的 | fulfil 实践 | full 满

fulfil 词典解释

1. 履行;实现;使应验
    If you fulfil something such as a promise, dream, or hope, you do what you said or hoped you would do.


    e.g. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.

2. 实行;执行;完成
    To fulfil a task, role, or requirement means to do or be what is required, necessary, or expected.

    e.g. Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you...
    e.g. All the necessary conditions were fulfilled.

3. 满足;使满意;使有成就感
    If something fulfils you, or if you fulfil yourself, you feel happy and satisfied with what you are doing or with what you have achieved.

    e.g. The war was the biggest thing in her life and nothing after that quite fulfilled her...
    e.g. They don't like the idea that women can fulfil themselves without the assistance of a man.

She has courageously continued to lead a fulfilled life...
I feel more fulfilled doing this than I've ever done.
...a fulfilling career...
I found it all very fulfilling.

fulfil 单语例句

1. Stymied in his American ambitions, he started to cash in on helping others fulfil their American Dreams.

2. The CDM allows developed countries to fulfil their emission reduction obligations at much lower cost by investing in clean energy projects in developing countries.

3. The story centres on two sisters and the Malan flower growing on Malan Mountain, which has the magic quality that can fulfil the wishes of diligent people.

4. Geng said he had a dream of becoming a policeman since his childhood, and he can now fulfil his dream with the movie.

5. I am glad to have the opportunity to fulfil my dream, for people far from China to listen to my music and see me perform.

6. But the Chinese people had yet to fulfil their historical task of overthrowing imperialism and feudalism.

7. If a person does not fulfil his responsibilities as a " minister " or a " ruler, " than he should forfeit the name.

8. China's land auction and public bidding system still faces many hurdles as it attempts to fulfil its foundation purposes.

9. It is also to fulfil China's commitment to the World Trade Organization.

10. She believes that the launch of the new services will help fulfil its 2003 target of recruiting 13 million new CDMA subscribers this year.

fulfil 英英释义


1. fill or meet a want or need

    Synonym: meetsatisfyfillfulfill

2. put in effect

    e.g. carry out a task
           execute the decision of the people
           He actioned the operation

    Synonym: carry throughaccomplishexecutecarry outactionfulfill

3. meet the requirements or expectations of

    Synonym: satisfyfulfilllive up to

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