
full stops是什么意思 full stops在线翻译 full stops什么意思 full stops的意思 full stops的翻译 full stops的解释 full stops的发音 full stops的同义词

full stops

full stops 双语例句

1. Out back, there`s a clever rear door that has a two-stage hinge that stops first at nearly eight inches in case a car is parked directly behind the Cube, and then expands to a full opening.

2. When do I use full stops and when do I use commas?
    句号和逗号的用法 5

3. At the same time it is important to check the fuel quantity gauge (empty equals when engine stops running in above critical attitude) at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full.
    在同一时间,这是很重要的要检查燃油量计(空平等时,发动机停止运行,在上述批判的态度)在1/4 ,1/2 ,3/4和充分。

4. During processing chest flesh wound, but also pays attention to other aspects the complex therapy, positively carries on the anti-shock treatment, makes up the hyperemia capacity, the dehydration, stops bleeding, the large dose hormone therapy, applies the full quantity antibiotic and the high energy support treatment, continual courage vigor monitor, maintenance acid and alkali balance in optimum condition.

5. BE a morning regardless everyday the person's morning ﹑ or the sun very lazy noon, is a light breeze regardless the blow gently evening ﹑ or the bright moon in the sky quiet night; BE the early spring that the creation beginning come to regardless, is a green shade heavy midsummer, is full eyes rich in hues deep autumn, is the sever winter that the heavy snow stops suddenly, or breeze, or rain, or fog or snow, I will exceed a front door, take unknown and regretful, take to ponder ramblingly, take intensely hot affection to the great universe, let the own figure cage is in the breeze, rain in, fog in, in, the cage is in the first sun rays in the morning, setting sun in, the cage is in the moonlight, the star light under, let in an own figure can the person's Crescent curved way up travel extensively, surroundings the atmosphere of the quiet, the pottery person's beautiful scenery, just like contend for of out of this world Taoyuan.
    弗罗米。劳麦。耶维奇每日﹐无论是晨露沁人的清晨﹑或是煦阳懒懒的午间﹐无论是微风习习的傍晚﹑或是皓月当空的静夜﹔无论是万物初醒的早春﹐是绿荫浓郁的仲夏﹐是满目斑斓的深秋﹐是大雪骤停的严冬﹐或风﹐或雨﹐或雾或雪﹐我都会迈出大门﹐带着无名怅惘﹐带着漫无边际的寻思﹐带着对大自然炽热的钟爱﹐让自己的身影笼在风里﹐雨里﹐雾里﹐露里﹐笼在晨曦中﹐夕阳里﹐笼在月色中﹐星光下﹐让自己的身影在一条条可人的 Crescent弯道上漫游﹐周围静谧的气氛﹐陶人的景致﹐宛如无争的世外桃园。

6. One hope is that Turkish anger will subside if, as happened in 2007, the House leadership stops the resolution from reaching a full vote.

7. A sensor on the gravity conveyor stops the machine if full untill cleared.

8. A field rank with nettles and thistles As soon as the rain stops, a young sparrow, almost full fledged, comes to the courtyard.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. If full credit for proper operation is taken, the operator stops the pump before he closes the MOV, and no interlock is then required.

10. Do not attempt to force beyond stops. Handwheel should turn freely over full range of travel.

11. On when splicing class person robot forehead, David Dr., looks the face moistens the full dust actually without the slightest show of feeling also differs the not compound materials kind of person robot head with the honorable person, David stops suddenly gets down, then the order side two assistants who bustles about for this, puts in the robot head to use in central simulating the human thought the chip to disassemble, when this kind only has the fingernail size high intelligent chip opens down, David Dr. two chips abreast in row in the hand, carefully is looking at carefully they, remembers scene which bustles about day and night after them as well as they rush the enormous disaster, several kinds come from the different region mood instantaneousErupted!

12. These are pronounced as words in their own right, and can readily be spelt without full stops.

13. full stops在线翻译

13. Capital letters are frequently used in abbreviations, with or without full stops (bbc, doe, m. litt.).

14. We will be tracing into shared memory (rather than to a file), using the-i option, which stops the trace as soon as the buffer is full.

15. full stops是什么意思

15. What embarrasses me most is that when I have difficulty to swallow my wife's masterpiece, she always looks at me full of tender affection and never stops asking questions. " Is it good? "

16. Here I mean this kind of full stops.

17. Good writing isn't just the ability to put capital letters and full stops in the right places.

18. What embarrasses me most is that when I have difficulty to swallow my wife's masterpiece, she always looks at me full of tender affection and never stops asking questions. " Is it good?"

full stops 单语例句

1. The cage stops just short of full immersion so that the visitors can still come up for air.

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