
functioning是什么意思 functioning在线翻译 functioning什么意思 functioning的意思 functioning的翻译 functioning的解释 functioning的发音

functioning ['fʌŋkʃənɪŋ]  ['fʌŋkʃənɪŋ] 


functioning 基本解释


functioning 网络解释

1. 运行:可以发现这三个论点中对于团队的绩效有正面也有负面影响,但整体比较而言,友谊对于团队绩效仍是正面功能比较大,可以与负面所冒的风险相互抵销,因此作者提出第十二个论点,在运行(functioning)时期的创业团队,倘若存在有高度的友谊关系,

2. functioning的意思

2. 机能:设想一个敏感的机能(functioning)系统,除了这个分组要去的那个进程,其他进程都不应当受到这种丢弃的影响. 如果延时处理队列增长的过分长,可以安全的丢弃其中的任何分组,因为它们都还没有被确认. 在 TCP 级别的拥塞可以灵活的处理归功于健壮的重新传输和重复检测策略.

3. 运作:换言之,这些实验均以阐释大尺度变化的结构为主,而非探讨其如何运作(functioning)起来的. 美国加州大学Scripps海洋研究所的海洋生物学家亨特利(M.Huntley)博士认为:半岛陆棚区的海洋物理条件,或许是延长南极虾幼虫居留在营养丰富的环境中的时间,

functioning 单语例句

1. He said he believes Yeung's handheld radio was also functioning properly at the fire scene, though two firemen complained that the radio line was busy.

2. He was also examined by cardiologists and his heart was found healthy with normal functioning.

3. The country has been plagued by factional fighting between warlords and has not had a functioning central administration since 1991.

4. The failed state has not had a functioning government for a generation and its lawless coastline provides a perfect pirate haven.

5. Such a system weakens the functioning of comprehensive ocean management, and is low on efficiency and poor in information sharing.

6. But congestion fees should not only ease traffic jams, but also regulate the functioning of the economy.

7. He added that some consultative bodies were not functioning well because they did not adequately represent the public.

8. The station's three functioning turbines and a gasoline reservoir were engulfed in enormous flames that firefighters were unable to control.

9. Credit availability and risk taking are essential to the functioning of the financial system.

10. And research has failed to support the premise that mastering activities like memory exercises, crossword puzzles and Sudoku improve overall functioning.


functioning 英英释义


1. process or manner of functioning or operating

    e.g. the power of its engine determines its operation
           the plane's operation in high winds
           they compared the cooking performance of each oven
           the jet's performance conformed to high standards

    Synonym: operationperformance


1. performing or able to perform its regular function

    e.g. a functioning flashlight

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