
gag是什么意思 gag在线翻译 gag什么意思 gag的意思 gag的翻译 gag的解释 gag的发音 gag的同义词 gag的反义词 gag的例句 gag的相关词组

gag [gæg]  [ɡæɡ] 


gag 基本解释

名词恶作剧; 塞口物,(牲畜的)口衔; 言论限制; 张口器

及物动词塞住…的口; 抑制言论自由; 使窒息; 用张口器将嘴张开

不及物动词作呕; 窒息; 开玩笑,说俏皮话

gag 相关例句


1. He suddenly gagged because he drank too much wine.

2. She was gagged and blindfolded.


1. gag

1. He gag cleverly.

2. gag的近义词

2. She gagged on a piece of hard bread.

gag 网络解释

1. 糖胺多糖:图3 糖胺多糖(GAG)诱发CHA获能精子顶体反应. a:与相应对照组各点比较P<0.001图4 孕酮激发获能CHA精子AR及其穿卵能力(SPA)

2. gag的意思

2. 张口器,开口器:gag 张口器,开口器 | gage 规格,计器,量尺 | gain amplifier 增益放大器

3. 塞口物:gag rein 马缰绳 | gag 塞口物 | gag-bit 衔铁

gag 词典解释

1. (使人不能说话的)封口布,塞口物
    A gag is something such as a piece of cloth that is tied around or put inside someone's mouth in order to stop them from speaking.

    e.g. His captors had put a gag of thick leather in his mouth.

2. (用布)封住(或堵住)…的嘴
    If someone gags you, they tie a piece of cloth around your mouth in order to stop you from speaking or shouting.

    e.g. I gagged him with a towel.

3. 压制…的言论自由;迫使…缄默
    If a person is gagged by someone in authority, they are prevented from expressing their opinion or from publishing certain information.

    e.g. Judges must not be gagged.

4. 噎住;噎得作呕
    If you gag, you cannot swallow and nearly vomit.

    e.g. I knelt by the toilet and gagged.

5. 笑话;玩笑;插科打诨
    A gag is a joke.

    e.g. ...a gag about policemen giving evidence in court.

6. 渴望拥有;期盼做
    If you say that someone is gagging for something or is gagging to do something, you are emphasizing that they want to have it or do it very much.


    e.g. Girls everywhere are gagging for a car like this...
    e.g. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.

gag 单语例句

1. Those on both sides of the case are barred from commenting by a court gag order.

2. I started to gag on the combination of new car smell and tobacco smoke, but luckily we turned into my driveway just before I was about to heave.

3. On Friday the judge imposed a gag order on attorneys after one defense counselor gave a TV interview.

4. Eagle County Judge Frederick Gannett has issued a gag order preventing attorneys and others involved from commenting publicly about specifics.

5. He said that after he fell in " Aida " the gag was cut from the show and he never felt unsafe again.

6. " We have a gag order, " NBA union executive director Billy Hunter said.

7. Judge Cinda Fox did not rule on the request but extended an earlier gag order prohibiting both sides from discussing the case.

8. She had asked the judges for a gag order on all information " gleaned about her stay at the court " apart from her public testimony.

9. The details have appeared in newspapers abroad and on the Internet, but publishing them in Britain is banned by the gag order.

10. Gannett has already issued a gag order in the case and is weighing media requests to release court records.

gag 英英释义



1. restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting

    Synonym: muzzle

2. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter

    e.g. he told a very funny joke
           he knows a million gags
           thanks for the laugh
           he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest
           even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point

    Synonym: jokelaughjestjape



1. make an unsuccessful effort to vomit
    strain to vomit

    Synonym: heaveretch

2. cause to retch or choke

    Synonym: choke

3. struggle for breath
    have insufficient oxygen intake

    e.g. he swallowed a fishbone and gagged

    Synonym: chokestranglesuffocate

4. make jokes or quips

    e.g. The students were gagging during dinner

    Synonym: quip

5. tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them

    e.g. The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair

    Synonym: muzzle

6. be too tight
    rub or press

    e.g. This neckband is choking the cat

    Synonym: chokefret

7. prevent from speaking out

    e.g. The press was gagged

    Synonym: muzzle

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