
gaze是什么意思 gaze在线翻译 gaze什么意思 gaze的意思 gaze的翻译 gaze的解释 gaze的发音 gaze的同义词 gaze的反义词 gaze的例句 gaze的相关词组

gaze [geɪz]  [ɡez] 


gaze 基本解释




gaze 相关例句


1. gaze什么意思

1. She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband.

2. gaze的近义词

2. The child gazed at the toys in the shop window.


1. The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.

2. He turned his gaze to the new comer.

gaze 网络解释

1. 注视:我们发现在海派颓废作品中,作者或作品主人公的"观看"或"注视"(gaze)是至关重要的. 章克标的小说充斥着对于女性人体"注视"的描写. 小说的主人公公然宣称,"舞场里去看看女人的肉体吧. 我们看不见人的灵魂,就看看女人的肉体吧.

gaze 词典解释

1. 凝视;注视;盯着看
    If you gaze at someone or something, you look steadily at them for a long time, for example because you find them attractive or interesting, or because you are thinking about something else.

    e.g. She stood gazing at herself in the mirror...
    e.g. Sitting in his wicker chair, he gazed reflectively at the fire...

2. 凝视;注视
    You can talk about someone's gaze as a way of describing how they are looking at something, especially when they are looking steadily at it.

    e.g. The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's...
    e.g. She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman's steady gaze...

3. 受公众关注;受人瞩目
    If someone or something is in the public gaze, they are receiving a lot of attention from the general public.

    e.g. You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.

The verbs gaze and stare are both used to talk about looking at something for a long time. If you gaze at something, it is often because you think it is marvellous or impressive. A fresh-faced little girl gazes in wonder at the bright fairground lights. If you stare at something or someone, it is often because you think they are strange or shocking. Various families came out and stared at us.
动词gaze和stare都可以用来表示长时间地注视某物。gaze at常指因所见之物精彩或壮观而盯着看,例如:A fresh-faced little girl gazes in wonder at the bright fairground lights(一位脸蛋红扑扑的小女孩惊奇地盯着游乐场里那些明亮的彩灯)。stare at常指因某物怪异或令人震惊而瞪着眼睛看:Various families came out and stared at us(家家户户的人都出来盯着我们看)。

gaze 单语例句


1. Punters can perch on a raised platform that runs along its periphery to gaze at the bustling bridge and watch boats float below.

2. Some said they had shifted their gaze to China's west which is buzzing with potential.

3. After hiking and fording the river several more times we reached our campsite, under the gaze of a watchtower.

4. Tibetan oil painter Tsewang Tashi uses the colors of rose and lavender to portray the intense gaze and shimmering skins of his subjects.

5. The oil painting portrays a woman dressed in ethnic costumes feeding part of a cookie to her child with a loving gaze.

6. The eyes of dozens of her students gaze steadily at her hand, curiously but kindly.

7. Afterwards Charles and Diana retired from the public gaze to enjoy toasts and a wedding breakfast with 120 family guests.

8. He focuses the visitor's gaze on Armani's understatedly elegant clothes while reminding them of why the exhibit is so special.

9. Parts of the city walls still exist and you can ramble on it and gaze across the river to see a new city rise up.

10. Father and son were returning to gaze upon a pile of rubble, the only memorial to a woman they both adored.


gaze 英英释义


1. a long fixed look

    e.g. he fixed his paternal gaze on me

    Synonym: regard



1. look at with fixed eyes

    e.g. The students stared at the teacher with amazement

    Synonym: stare

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