
geezer是什么意思 geezer在线翻译 geezer什么意思 geezer的意思 geezer的翻译 geezer的解释 geezer的发音 geezer的同义词 geezer的反义词 geezer的例句

geezer [ˈgi:zə(r)]  [ˈɡizɚ] 


geezer 基本解释


geezer 网络解释

1. geezer

1. 老头:geese 鹅肉 | geezer 老头 | gegenschein 对日照

2. 老头,老家伙:glazer 上釉工人,打光工人 | geezer老头,老家伙 | freezer 冷藏工人,制冰淇淋的人

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 老家伙:14. fuddy-duddy守旧的人;保守者 | 15. geezer老家伙 | 16. goof off游手好闲的人

4. 老头儿:bore 无聊的人或事 | geezer 老头儿 | go-gotter 雄心勃勃的人

geezer 双语例句

1. geezer

1. Melodeon: We are sick and tired of that old geezer Mr Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get up.

2. geezer

2. You're in pretty good shape for a geezer.

3. You must be the geezer Omen said was coming.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. That was the geezer I went to school with.

5. geezer的翻译

5. I seen you talking to him in the yard and the geezer.

6. geezer在线翻译

6. And you, fucking tell him now. what geezer

7. I know it wasnt polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.

8. I know it wasn t polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.

9. The lyrical ideals of Geezer Butler were amazing and opened the eyes of the people.
    Geezer Butler 满怀激情的理想令人惊奇,开拓视野。

10. The group — bassist Geezer Butler, guitarist Tony Iommi, Osbourne and drummer Bill Ward — recently inducted into the U. K. Music Hall of Fame, has long been considered one of the cornerstones of heavy metal.

11. My blood is the color of bronze, deeply giving out a sound of rolling metals Ah, it is singing, with a hoarse voice Like a river, tired, it licks itself to sleep Exposed to the rays of the sun I'm a weald lying flat I'm bound by a river, which I follow wherever it freely rushes My hoe stands by me with emerald branches sprouting on it My crops are watching me and uttering a string of simper I want to shout out my grandma, she sleeps more soundly than me How should I feel for her, so that we can blithely cross our little fingers together Perhaps, she's turned into soil long before, and been feeding crops then found her way into my veins, and become bronze-like flames And there's my grandpa, that geezer who herded his sheep Buried on the hillside in a small tomb, like a sheep with its head lowered grazing All alone he continues to be, given his fondness for sheep I've spent fifty years sunning this land And now, like my forefathers I want to sun myself on this land

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 4: I know it wasn't polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.

13. Ld be a white haired geezer.

14. geezer

14. But that's an old geezer!

15. What are we gonna do? Kill the geezer?

16. Carol and Paul used to live next door to a very peculiar geezer who refused to speak to anyone.

17. She went shopping and I went to the geezer bench.

18. He is a nice geezer, but a little talkative.

19. geezer什么意思

19. What about this geezer who sells drugs?

20. Even if they could, they'd be too scared. I'm a geezer.

geezer 词典解释

1. 人;家伙
    Some people use geezer to refer to a man.


    e.g. ...an old bald geezer in a posh raincoat.

geezer 单语例句


1. Super Geezer laughs at the mountain and grinds out his cigarette butt in its face.

2. Fronting the current lineup is by Tim V, a true " Cockney geezer " from East London.

3. We were all quickly winded and having difficulty making it up the treacherous path, but Super Geezer never once lost his footing.

4. With any luck, you too will be transformed into a Super Geezer.


geezer 英英释义



1. a man who is (usually) old and/or eccentric

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