
gel是什么意思 gel在线翻译 gel什么意思 gel的意思 gel的翻译 gel的解释 gel的发音 gel的同义词 gel的反义词 gel的例句 gel的相关词组

gel [dʒel]  [dʒɛl] 


gel 基本解释

名词凝胶,冻胶; 定型发胶

不及物动词形成胶体; 胶化


gel 网络解释

1. (胶狀):混凝土建筑体发生微小的裂缝时,胶状(GEL)沥青砂胶(ASPHALT MASTlC)会渗透进缝隙里,形成无接缝的涂膜防水层. 沥青砂胶(ASPHALT MASTIC)获得了韩国第167796号(建筑土木防水用制品)专利,已注册,沥青防水布以合成树脂为中心加固材料,

2. 凝胶体:一般AGM电池:电解液保持在玻璃纤维隔板(AGM)当中;优质GEL电池:凝胶体(GEL)电解质和多孔隔板混合在一起. SUPER LIFE(超长寿命)LC-QA系列电池(AGM )是松下公司于1995年在日本开发成功,并用于日本及世界重要用户,

3. 冻胶:中鞋垫--中鞋垫位於外内鞋垫之间,制造中鞋垫的质料主要用聚氨脂(Polyurethane 或Ethyl VinylAcetate , EVA)的材料,能够有效地负起避震作用;若这层聚氨脂再加上冻胶(Gel)或空气(Air)包围著,中鞋垫的损耗就会相对减慢.

4. gel:glial cell line; 胶质

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. gel:gelofusine; 琥珀酰明胶组

6. gel:general emulation language; 同意仿真语言

gel 词典解释

The spelling jell is usually used in American English and is sometimes used in British English for meanings 1 and 2. (亦拼作jell,通常用于美国英语中,表示义项1和2时有时也用于英国英语中)

1. 合作愉快;合作顺利
    If people gel with each other, or if two groups of people gel, they work well together because their skills and personalities fit together well.

    e.g. They have gelled very well with the rest of the side...
    e.g. There were signs on Saturday that the team is starting to gel at last...

2. (模糊的轮廓、想法、创作)变得更清楚,变得更明确
    If a vague shape, thought, or creation gels, it becomes clearer or more definite.

    e.g. Even if her interpretation has not yet gelled into a satisfying whole, she displays real musicianship...
    e.g. It was not until 1974 that his ability to write gelled again.

3. 凝胶;(尤指)发胶
    Gel is a thick jelly-like substance, especially one used to keep your hair in a particular style.

gel 单语例句

1. The Ministry of Public Security said on Sunday it had arrested nine suspects, detained 54 and sealed 80 industrial gelatin and gel capsule manufacturing lines.

2. The report concluded that the injected gel was unsafe and the centre advised against its use.

3. To date, products from 15 gel capsule producers have been found to contain excessive levels of chromium.

4. He also said that the need for removal of the gel and residue from the body was a normal complication.

5. Swimmers stash gel packs loaded with carbohydrates and a dash of flavoring in their suits, pulling them out to suck on as needed.

6. Del Piero will feel he deserves to start alongside Toni but that pairing has had little time together to gel.

7. Gel inserts such as Scholl's Party Feet are excellent because they are cooling and soothing, but do take a break every now and then.

8. It's making them gel together, that's the hardest part.

9. The solution is the gel nail art set, a synthetic product which is designed to remedy almost any situation for unruly fingernails.

10. The company said the fact the gel had already been proved safe by SFDA in medical trials showed it was not responsible for the injuries.

gel 英英释义


1. a thin translucent membrane used over stage lights for color effects

    Synonym: gelatin

2. a colloid in a more solid form than a sol

    Synonym: colloidal gel


1. apply a styling gel to

    e.g. she mousses her hair

    Synonym: mousse

2. become a gel

    e.g. The solid, when heated, gelled

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