
gestation是什么意思 gestation在线翻译 gestation什么意思 gestation的意思 gestation的翻译 gestation的解释 gestation的发音 gestation的同义词

gestation [dʒeˈsteɪʃn]  [dʒɛˈsteʃən] 

gestation 基本解释

名词怀孕; 怀孕期; (思想、主意等的)构思、酝酿; 孕育(过程)

gestation 网络解释

1. gestation的翻译

1. 妊娠:绝大多数哺乳类均为胎生(vivipary),它们的胎儿借一种特殊的结构--胎盘(pla-centa)和母体联系并取得营养,在母体内完成胚胎发育过程--妊娠(gestation)而成为幼儿时始产出.

2. 怀孕:虽然怀孕(gestation)后期的营养不良很少会引起胎儿的缺陷. 及低出生体重(low birth weight)的现象. 中度到轻微的影养不良虽对受孕的影响较小,但对母亲及小孩的健康却有可能有较长远的影响. 胎儿与婴儿死亡率较高,也有较多的并发症;

3. 怀孕期:的一种物质 可以帮助熊猫宝宝消化食物吸收营养会阴部(Perineum):大熊猫外生殖器与肛门连线的区域这个地方通常比较敏感胸腺(Thymus)为机体的重要淋巴器官其功能与免疫紧密相关位于胸腔前纵隔怀孕期(Gestation)从大熊猫交配或人工

4. 孕期:胸腺(Thymus)为机体的重要淋巴器官其功能与免疫紧密相关位于胸腔前纵隔怀孕期(Gestation)从大熊猫交配或人工授精的时间到能猫宝宝出生的这段时期

gestation 词典解释

1. 怀孕(期);妊娠(期)
    Gestation is the process in which babies grow inside their mother's body before they are born.

    e.g. ...the seventeenth week of gestation...
    e.g. The gestation period can be anything between 95 and 150 days.

2. (想法等的)构思,酝酿,孕育
    Gestation is the process in which an idea or plan develops.


    e.g. ...the prolonged period of gestation of this design.

gestation 单语例句

1. After 30 days of gestation, the cloned creation was born through caesarean section.

2. If the panda's gestation signs are correct, this will be the first cub born in Japan's oldest zoo since 1988.

3. The women with severe depressive symptoms had almost twice the risk of an early birth, defined as delivery at less than 37 weeks of gestation.

4. Some others call for the introduction of the eagerly anticipated film rating system, which is still in its gestation period.

5. These include ending elective cesarean sections and induced labor deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation.

6. Anand has conducted research on pain in fetuses and newborns and concluded that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks of gestation.

7. The gestation period of a tigress is 82 days, reports Yangtze Evening News.

8. Rabbits are an important research tool as they have a much shorter gestation period than larger mammals such as sheep or cows.

9. A team has been set up to manage and prevent gender determination of fetuses and related gestation termination.

10. The antimonopoly law has been in gestation for over a decade and it could affect industries such as energy and technology.

gestation 英英释义


1. the conception and development of an idea or plan

2. the state of being pregnant
    the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus

    Synonym: pregnancymaternity

3. the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans)

    Synonym: gestation period

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